In other words do you use your intuition when you go about your life? I rely on my intuition to say write something or If I need advice and there is no one around. I can also read someone's mind for example if the person means right or not.
I'm bad on the whole intuition thing. I think. There's been times when I have been right and I have been wrong, but seeing as though I felt strongly either way I just came to the thought that my 'gut feeling' amounts to poop and some things require a more reasonable looking in to.
I get real intuitive and then people feel uncomfortable.. is that what you mean? Or is my intuition off
well it all depends on the actual meaning hehe...intuition normally is the right thing to do and if people reacted in a negative way then I would say they were not the right people Unless you are talking something else ...I am not sure why they would get uncomfortable.
Me, lol. My intuition is more like guesses. I don't tell people them I just think them and in time I find out if I'm wrong or not. Most of the time. Sometimes it has involved people, and when I'm wrong, I'm the one that feels uncomfortable.
@ mugen I agree that some require more then intuition but I would both logic/mind and intuition work out a real treat. Sometimes the people you are dealing with are not in tuned with theirs and so I find myslef battling against them because I am intuned with mine if you see what I mean. In this case one has to use themind too to try to bring down to your level. I would not say you are bad at it but more the others are not with it.
No, I'm bad at it. Intuitively blind as a bat. I see what you mean, but in the end intuitions are just guesses right. Pretty much preconceptions and even though you may feel strongly enough to act on some it's probably safe to always wait for a little bit of substance to back it up. Like that whole women thing where thy 'think' you've cheated so you are accused of it. Baseless, but since she feels it she believes she's right.
Intuitions are what you fee is right there and then without any preconceptions I would say because you did not have time to deliberate or think about it. Haha...I see exactly what you mean because I am bad at it and I guilty of it too. Accusing my partner of cheating for a split second then I do rethink the situation and feel bad for it. I think this accsuation things come from other stresses and other people we have met . It is a learned behaviour because we have been accused of it ourselves and been cheated on too. I would call it insecurities. I am guessing guys do it to their girlfriends. Intuition can get toppled and you can rely on it too much if it is not counterbalanced with people that are close to you hence the thinking that one has cheated.
Intuition comes from experience. When certain situations become familiar, you get a gut feeling as to how that situation will turn out. When you know that around that corner, there is someone there that might mean you harm, and you are right, it is likely because such a circumstance has happened to you previously and your instincts which detect things that you consciously do not are telling you that you need to be careful when you turn that corner.
I agree I think the more we feel intuition because we have been exposed to situations that led us to be aware of it hence grow with it the better entuned with ourselves. I would say that one's intuition is almost always right and the issue is with those you are with that are not in touch with theirs. A bit like saying it is a reflex we do it with our body language. If say something is hot then we immediatly pull out because our mind senses danger and our body acts fast. That is boy and mind intuition is definetely developed. I am more interested in the mind and feelings intuition.
Fair enough. So...a new born baby has 0 instincts? Or a man who had his memory completely erased would have 0 instincs?
I would say has instincts because he cries for food that one instinct. A baby wakes up after a sleep is another instinct because he is ready for another feed or he or she feeling rested. A man with a memory erased (god forbid) has still got instinct and that is trying to find out who he is I would say.
Instincts are your basic, animal intuition. The connections made aren't necessarily on a conscious level. For instance, people who lose their memory often retain fighting skills that have become muscle memory.
have you ever predicted or overseen something? For example I can read someone's face like a book..meaning I can literally tell you wether the person is kind or absent or not interested..
^ Overseeing means to command, or to lead when you are not the founder. Like Overseeing a factory floor.
Oops. Thank you for that Lemex. I thought it was to see but with the action of OVER as in beyond. sometime I go with my instinct with words. A bit like overhearing something so I thought overseeing was the same. They are structured the same.
'predicted' no... and if by 'overseen' you meant had a vision or dream of somethat happened later, i haven't, but my youngest daughter has... that has nothing to do with predicting or prescience, but yes, i can usually do that... among other somewhat 'out of the ordinary' things...