1. Bartleby

    Bartleby New Member

    Dec 7, 2010
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    Bremerton Washington

    Art, and Powers

    Discussion in 'Character Development' started by Bartleby, Dec 8, 2010.

    I'm writing a story where children and young adults attend a School for Fine Arts, but not a normal school all the children can do something special with their talents. A Painter who can Paint things to life
    A Painter who can enter paintings and change them how he sees fit
    A dancer who moves wind with her
    A musician who can seduce the mind
    An Actor who can become the person he’s acting
    A sculptor who can see the object, and pull it from the clay or material without having to carve it
    A sculptor who can bring his carvings to life
    A spoken word poet who can manipulate emotions
    An origami artist who can manipulate paper

    I was just curious if anyone else had any other suggestions, I dont want them to be completely outlandish and having to do with something artful, like specific instrumentalist doing certain things, and different types of artist, and some powers a dancer might have besides amazing karate =P
  2. darthjim

    darthjim New Member

    Dec 5, 2010
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    Cumbria, England
    A dancer might have incredible, inhuman speed or agility?
  3. SashaMerideth

    SashaMerideth Banned

    Aug 26, 2010
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    Some things, lieke musician seducing the mind and spoken word manipulating emotions, those happen anyways, with the best able to captivate us.
  4. Noya Desherbanté

    Noya Desherbanté New Member

    Oct 26, 2010
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    wishing I was somewhere else...
    A fine artist who, with the pieces she creates, alters the world as she does so... so if she makes a papier mache tree and adds another branch, say, the real world tree would grow another branch...

    A filmmaker who can capture people's souls in his camera... when they play the video back, the person's actions change every time, as if they're trapped inside the camera with their bodies carrying out mundane actions in the real world...

    A woodworker with the ability to carve charms that can contact the dead... for example an ouija board...?

    A seamstress who can make fabric out of anything... for example, computer screens, and make a suit that can display web pages (ha!), or spin gold (like in fairytales), straw, iron to make armour, etc...

    That was fun thinking of those!! Good luck! :D
  5. Bartleby

    Bartleby New Member

    Dec 7, 2010
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    Bremerton Washington
    Thank you all, especially you Noya, very good suggestions :)
  6. Noya Desherbanté

    Noya Desherbanté New Member

    Oct 26, 2010
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    wishing I was somewhere else...
    You're welcome! :D
  7. Samurai Jack

    Samurai Jack Active Member

    Dec 6, 2010
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    Nashville, TN
    Are these artistic powers, or powers being used for art?

    Transference of thought into some object seems appropriate. Several artists have the shared abilities to paint, sculpt, write, compose, or whatever... but some are vastly better at one over another.

    Jack dips his paintbrush into a bowl mixed with different colors of paint. He visualizes what the finished painting will look like. By acting like a printer, simply moving the paintbrush back and forth, top to bottom, he is able to separate out the color he needs from the mixture on the paintbrush and transfer them to canvas. He paints perfectly what he is visualizing.

    Jill attempts the same thing. She sucks with a paintbrush, so the visualization of her mother comes out looking like she was trying to paint with mud. But Jill can take any sized lump of clay, reach into the lump, appear to grab hold of something, and slowly pull out her visualization. She sees her mother in her mind and suddenly a perfect representation of her mother is standing next to her in clay.

    Jack attempts the clay trick and, while visualizing his father, instead pulls out something looking like Clayface from Batman.

    Steve can hear an orchestral piece in his mind, and by touching a pen to paper, ink will flow to create the notes for a perfectly composed piece meant for the best musicians in the world. Jill can squeeze out the background music for a pop song with some editing. Jack gets nails on a chalkboard.

    But when you mention bringing paintings and sculptures to life, that seems like the ability to create life, not the ability of an artist to create art. Music and poetry which can seduce and manipulate, I think of the pied piper and mind control. Unless I'm not interpreting your ideas correctly, or that's the direction you're going with. But that also seems like powers used for the sake of art, not artistic powers.

    And a painter who can enter paintings... could he paint an entire room (four walls, ceiling and floor) and enter an entirely different world? What would his limitations be at that point? Can he only travel within the physical restrictions of the room, or the 2 dimensional world of the painting? Or is the painting of a building an actual building?
  8. jazzman

    jazzman Member

    Dec 8, 2010
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    Halifax, UK
    How about a musician who can hypnotise when he plays his instrument
    Or an opera singer that can shatter peoples minds
    Also really like the idea of the sculptor who can pull his creations out of the mud without having to carve it xxx
  9. McNelty

    McNelty New Member

    Dec 12, 2010
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    You're definitely going to need a singer who can seduce with her voice...and lead her would-be lovers to the rocks.

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