I found this article link on linked in and thought I'd share it here as it is applicable. What other words can you think of that we use in the wrong context?
Article: Grammar effects Income I thought this article on the importance of correctly using grammar was interesting. How Your Grammar effects Your Income We all know the importance of using grammar correctly in our writing. Considering some of the debates that take place here about how to use certain punctuation, fonts, and grammar, I thought it may be of interest.
Here's an excellent and entertaining reference site: Paul Brians' Common Errors in English. And it has no obnoxious pop-up ads.
lie (active) vs lay (put down/place) sit (active) vs seat (causative--passive) e.g. You lie down BUT You lay the table e.g. We were sitting BUT The students were seated in rows, according to the seating plan And prepositions, particularly with phrasal verbs (although there are regional/US/UK variations) AND: The grocer's apostophe used by Shannonpeel (who was no doubt being ironic)
One of my favorites is effect vs affect - a quadruple threat. Your input may affect the outcome. (verb) The effect of gravity allows an orbiting body to continuously fall without hitting the primary. (noun) Schizophrenia is characterized by a flat affect. (noun, refers to expressiveness and mood) Anyone can effect change. (verb, to bring about)