Has anybody here read As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner? Talk about: 1) Themes 2) Whether you liked it or not 3) Any other ideas you had about the book
I love the band! The book is good, although complicated at first if you haven't read anything about the plot.
I would like to say I've read it. I picked it up one time and started to read it but I couldn't invest myself into it. I'm looking forward to hear what others say about it because I would like to start it again one day!
I am actually reading As I Lay Dying for the second time right now. One of the things I am most interested in is Faulkner's way of showing each character's motivations for their actions. Even in the wake of their mother's death, Anse has his mind set on getting teeth to eat the victuals God intended him to eat and Dewey Dell wants the trip to town for a chance at an abortion.