1. Forgotten Conscience

    Forgotten Conscience New Member

    May 8, 2009
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    Aspiring professional writer in search of inspiration

    Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Forgotten Conscience, May 8, 2009.

    Hello everyone,

    I've been writing for years, but have never been paid to do it (most of my writing has been in fanfiction though I do have quite a few original ideas). I've been in search of a way to get paid for it constantly hit a wall when it comes to the money/connections part of it. The reason why this is important to the inspiration aspect of it, is because I've come to a point where the main driving force behind my writing just isn't enough to get me to finish a story anymore.

    When I first started writing, it was a cathartic process for me. I wrote to deal with personal issues in my life and it really helped. But I've worked through most of it and I suppose now I'm searching for a new reason to write and I have yet to figure out what that reason is, though I suspect money and/or a "creative director/partner" will do the trick.

    Anyway, I'd be curious to know whether anyone else has experienced this problem and what they've done to overcome it, if they have. Also, anyone with the time and passion to assist in the writing process would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    If you don't have the passion to write, money will not provide the necessary motivation. There are much easier ways to make a buck.

    Inspiration comes from all around you. It may be a news story that gets the mental gears grinding. It may be a "but what if..." moment while watching TV or a movie or reading a book. It might be an overheard scrap of converstaion that you extrapolate. Sometimes it's "I really wish that every story of this type didn't make XXX's act like YYY."

    Forget the dollar signs and the sounds of "kaCHING." They will only distract you.

    Unless, of course, they spark a story idea.
  3. Phifty2

    Phifty2 New Member

    May 8, 2009
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    Hamilton, New Jersey U.S.A
    Yeah, if you're writing for any other reason then the love of the craft it might not be your thing.

    Of course all of us would probably be better motivated if we knew when we finished a project we would get paid for it but that is not a reason to write.
  4. Cheeno

    Cheeno Member

    Mar 5, 2008
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    Have a look around the forums and see how things work. Then do a few reviews and see if that doesn't get your juices flowing. When you've got your barings, bang some of your work up and, you never know...you won't get any cash out of it, but you just might find inspiration and new contacts. Enjoy your creative journey.:)
  5. Gallowglass

    Gallowglass Contributor Contributor

    May 2, 2009
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    Loch na Seilg, Alba
    The question I'd ask anyone who wants inspiration is this: what do you want to change in the world, why, and how could you get your ideas across to a wider audience?

    That usually works.
  6. Forgotten Conscience

    Forgotten Conscience New Member

    May 8, 2009
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    Okay, perhaps I didn't quite articulate what I'm having a problem with. Inspiration isn't so much the problem. I love writing, and I have a lot of ideas. I have even written out a few of them. But more recently I have a tendency to think up entire plot lines, then get 15-20 pages into the story and my need to finish the story dries up. End up moving on to another concept.

    Last time I managed to finish a complete story in the past year (at least the first story of a trilogy), I had a friend to bounce ideas off and develop the concept with and keep me focused. I suppose a lack of focus is the most concise way to describe my problem. And when it comes to having someone help me focus, I tend to think they'd want to be paid, and in order for me to pay them I'd need to get paid myself.

    I have seen the short story challenge up on the site, and I may just attempt to put something out there. My problem tends to be that short stories aren't my thing. I get an idea for something and it evolves into a huge story that I just can't stop writing. I suppose that contributes to my lack of focus somewhat.
  7. Gallowglass

    Gallowglass Contributor Contributor

    May 2, 2009
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    Loch na Seilg, Alba
    If you want inspiration to continue working, then re-read your story. You'll have an urge to add something, and will get carried away.
  8. Forgotten Conscience

    Forgotten Conscience New Member

    May 8, 2009
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    You know it's funny, I've been writing for years and I've mostly avoided trying that as a technique. I just forced myself to keep going and that usually worked. Perhaps I'll attempt that, though if anyone else has any other suggestions I'd be glad to hear those as well.
  9. fantasy girl

    fantasy girl New Member

    Apr 15, 2009
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    try finding an interesting topic and write an essay on it, if i am stuck for ideas or have just lost the motivation to finish the story i am on thats what i do. also i was told in school to write a page on how you want the story to end, why you are writing the piece and where you want to go with it(published, magazine submissino, for fun ect) i have found this also realy helps.
  10. JGraham

    JGraham New Member

    Oct 27, 2008
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    Formerly Michigan, Now Ohio
    I definitely understand what you are saying. I sometimes run into a similar problem. When all the things in your life start weighing in on you and your will to finish just diminishes. You start doubting your plot and move onto something you feel is better, or newer. I use to experience this, but i would just write down the idea and file it away. I stay on one topic and lock my focus. I have one main novel I have been working on for a while, and there are times I go a month without adding anything. I always feel if I try to force it then it will be worse. I write when it hits me and I pour myself into it. It is not good to force yourself into what you write. That is one thing that always bothered me about getting paid to write. When you do that there are expectations, and deadlines, and when there is a set time I just feel it is an unnecessary burden. I don't know if i really answered anything in this post, i almost feel if i was venting my own concerns lol.
  11. Emmy

    Emmy New Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Aye, I just read the whole thread -

    sounds like good ol' fashioned writer's block. Here's some suggestions from 43 things or whatever that site is called:

    Write Crap
    Listen to new music
    Add one ritual behavior (get a glass of H20 every 20 min., etc.)
    Do one chore (non-writing related)
    Write the middle (this worked awesome for me!)
    Unplug the inet
    Write one true sentence
    work on the title
    Take a walk
    Try Freewriting
    Quit beating yourself up
    Talk to a monkey (explain your story to a stuffed animal)
    Get away from the pc and handwrite someplace else
    Write from a persona
    Write 5 words
    Make a pointless rule (you can't end sentences with words ending in a vowel, etc.)
    Do Something That's Very Easy
    Take a shower, change clothes

    Some of these are monotonous, but others are helpful. Good luck.
  12. mammamaia

    mammamaia nit-picker-in-chief Contributor

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Coquille, Oregon
    i do this full time, for aspiring writers of all breeds, all over the world, so if you want any help, just drop me a line...

    love and hugs, maia

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