Aways had a massive interest in astronomy, especially when I was younger. Up until I realised I didn't have the grades to work at NASA it was pretty much my dream...lols . That aside I stilllove chatting and debating about astronomy and everything that involves the universe we live in. Just today I was randomly watching some videos about Galaxies and stumbled across a rather ineresting video comparing the size of our galaxy with the of he largest known galaxy. Ours is over 100,000 lightyears across while M87 is a massive 6 million lightyears across! That's 60 times larger than ours...makes you feel kind of insignificant doesn't it? Really got me thinking though. I mean at how much we still haven't discovered and that with so much space there MUST be something else out there. Anyone else interested in this subject?
I love astronomy, just the idea of looking up into space, seeing how beautiful everything is and learning about it all. It's amazing how small we are compared to space.
And Where do we see a Lack of Merit. The planet Earth was a Mars, then a Water, all of it!. So lets figure this. an average 7 stars as per NASA calculations, are born each year. It was also proven that 40% of the Sun-Like starts have Planets. Lets not forget the Discovery of Gliese 581 in which a Earth mass and size planet was found in an habitable zone from it's center star. Remember Earth took Millions of years to develop, and as for life, took 100,000's of years to develop. Barring Cataclysmic events, will continue to develop. At the same time, we Humans The species of Earth automatically have assumed intelligent life to mean intelligence superior to ours. We have SETI and other devices set around the world to pick out signals from Space, but do they reach far enough??, As well to ask with the above statement, does another planet have a life form with the technology that has the power to push through and reach Earth? A declassified report from 1972 or 1973 shows clearly a Satellite type device, that was not launched from Earth. All I am saying is, with the Calculations of the Drake Equation along with NASA, it is In my opinion a very Credible Equation to put life out there somewhere. I guess we are just going to have to wait and See what the Kepler Mission turns up!
I think the Drake Equation is credible as well. That doesn't necessarily mean it is accurate, but I think it is a reasonable approach. Regardless of whether the equation is closer or further from the actual truth, I'm of the opinion that the likelihood of other life in the universe is about as close to 100% as you can get without actually hitting the number.
Yeh there has to be life out there. I mean we've barely left our own solarsystem. The sheer amount of space yet to discover is mind boggling. How cool would it be if oneday things were like Star Wars ^^.
I always liked Men In Black's take on it. Who said a galaxy has to be a certain size? Essentially, your body is a self contained galaxy. All those little bacteria inside you could be having this same discussion.
Yep, And it would most probably be the next planet in our solar system to develop life. Though Doubt it
Venus is far too hot and toxic to produce life like ours. Many astronomers believe the ansence of a large moon, along with Venus being closer to the sun, is responsible for Venus' thick, poisonous, corrosive atmosphere.
Interesting. I've always heard people say, "Oooo! We're gonna look like Venus if we're not careful!!" Still, Venus is cool to look at. I remember the first time I learnt about Venus was from a Magic School Bus game. Venus is the first "star" we see at night, and is the last "star" we see in the day-time. Venus, always watching her sister even though she's very corrupted and poisoned. XD
It both fascinates me and depresses me. Especially if we are the only intelligent life out there capable of any sort of space travel. The Universe is so massive that the word massive might aswell mean small. If you think our world can be beautiful think of all the countless planets out there? Will some have life of some sort? Who knows! But I'd love to see any animal or plant life. And if we are the only ones capable of traveling space this makes all of this very very sad. Because it just seems like all this beauty will go to waste. Who will be able to admire it? Sure I know that things like this don't exist for someone or something to admire how amazing it is. But still.
I believe life does exist out there, just not in our system. As to why they don't visit us? I can think of three reasons. Reason numero uno: Wars. We constantly (and still do) seek to destroy each other. If any alien life were watching us, they'd think, "<insert name of deity>, we shouldn't trade with these warlike savages!! We'll trade with like-minded planets whose people are not killing each other for various stupid reasons!" Reason numero dos: We're still cavemen in some ways. Know how we see our ancestors from 30,000 years ago? Well, that's how they see us. Our making a big deal about our iPods and iPhones now is how we see cavemen making a big deal about fire and the wheel. Reason numero tres: We're too far away from them. Know how we're looking at the sky and sighing? Well, they're doing the same thing, wondering if they are the only living thing in the universe. *prepares for the inevitable "You need to stop watching Star Trek: The Next Generation, son." posts*
I think theres more reasons then that. Like why does everyone expected aliens to be smarter and ahead of us in technology by decades. What if there like still in the caveman stage or in the early indestrial stage or like that one movie (I forget its name something to do with aliens) and there in the 1950s. Maybe the so called aliens that are out there are at the same stage as us and write now they're on their own internet like network on a forum or what ever they would call it talking about the excistance of life on other planets to. Like why would they find us before we find them? Maybe we'll become advanced enough to be the first aliens on a planet with life (kinda what they had in Avatar)
Yeh I always thought that too. They don't have to be ahead of us. Maybe its a young planet in its early stages of evolution, maybe their cavemen or maybe they're something completely different we cant comprehend. Something that thinks completely differently. I really hope I live long enough to see some crazy advancements in technology that allow us to discover life on other planets or leave oyr galaxy! Something cool....