...and quite a funny satire at that, but I'm actually beginning to worry that this might be 100% serious.
I don't think I understand the video - not alone in what? Opposing equal marriage? Of course they aren't. It just happens their views aren't in the drivers seat anymore.
In other words: "But whaaaaaz, we wanna persecute people and treat them like scum, but whaaaaaaz! Our entitled sense of free speech to be colossal assholes is being trampled on by people who think those others are 'people' or something. Whaaaaaaz, we're the minoritiy!!!!!111111"
"Where can I say 'No, I'm not going to be a part of this' but still respect someone?" Uh, you can say it when a person of the same sex asks YOU to get married. You say no, but you still respect that person's right to marry who they want! Seriously, how many people are being forced to "be a part" of gay weddings? We get the very rare cases of cake-makers or whatever, and, sure, let's leave them the hell out of it and take the business elsewhere. But who else is forced to be part of this?!?
And I reply to myself! Could have done an ETA, I guess, but it feels like a separate idea. I've been trying to figure out if there are areas of my beliefs that I project like this. Like, Thing A is victimless, but I don't like it and think other people shouldn't be allowed to do it. It's easy to come up with beliefs that fill two of the three criteria, but I'm really having trouble finding anything that fits all three. Like, drug abuse is victimless, I don't like it, but I don't think it should be illegal, so that's only two criteria. I don't like child abuse and think it should be illegal, but of course it's not victimless. Are there things a 'typical' liberal believes that would fit in all three categories? I guess maybe drug abuse, for those who think it should be illegal. But most liberals I know think the War on Drugs is a travesty, so I think most liberals don't really believe drugs should be illegal? Can you guys think of anything that would fit all three categories?
I kidnapped and shackled a bunch of Christians and brought them to my pagan wedding of heavy metal, owls, and black wedding napkins. The word must've gotten out even though I tried to silence them the best I could after forcing them to witness that ungodly travesty of a wedding. No wait. I think they've found out 'cause I've been bragging about it on internet forums and now think this is what'll happen to them if there's a gay wedding in town. Shit.
Oooh, that might work! It's not something I feel strongly about myself, but there are people who do, for sure!
I'm not sure whether to be amused or disgusted at how hard people have been trying to make themselves seem like they're oppressed just because same sex marriage has been legalised. Honestly, that sad music and them crying at the end of the video was just priceless.
I'll happily defend drug use on a moral level, and I don't see moderate forms of it as inherently wrong or even much more dangerous than drinking alcohol, but I still might be willing to accept replacing jail times and involuntary drug treatment with monetary fines if I thought they would work better than outright legalization. As it stands, though, I'd take the libertarian extreme over our current system in a heartbeat. Many American leftists are too scared of those substances to contemplate such things, however, aside from the currently popular trend towards marijuana legalization. Some liberals want to ban or severely restrict the ownership of firearms, which can be carried without harming or killing others, although they're specifically designed to make those tasks easier to achieve (I view guns as worse than drugs for that very reason). That probably satisfies all three criteria.
It's interesting that even though it's over- ie, everyone has the right to be equally miserable now- liberals and conservatives alike STILL seem to get their jollies over arguing about this on the internet (we have multiple threads concerning this subject being started AFTER the decision). So, is this even really about attaining equality, or is everyone here just trying to look cool?
Considering this is not just a forum, but the off topic section, virtually everything here is for the sole purpose of fun/socialisation. I don't think anyone here really believes their posts are going to have any effect on real world politics.
That's why I didn't post this in the debate forum, I posted cos it's a ridiculous video that makes me laugh. In fact I'd send the the question back at you, why try to call us out?
To be fair, it literally just happened. Wait 50 years and then we'll talk about people still getting their pants in a wad over this. It's not easy for a society to change overnight, even if the change was good and would benefit all of humanity.
Huh. Gun control's an interesting one. Because for me, it's the furthest thing from victimless... But for a responsible pro-gun person, it's victimless, because his/her gun won't be used to create victims, and is therefore victimless. I wonder if that's all it comes down to, really: the definition/understanding of victimization. I've heard the "think of the children" argument from those against marriage equality. If they truly believe children will be harmed by same-sex marriage... I don't know, it's hard for me to see how anyone could truly believe that, but I guess maybe they do.
Why talk about it? It's disrespectful to the men and women who wanted to be treated like everyone else. The laws have been passed. They don't need to be patronized by "well meaning" straight liberals anymore. The best way to achieve normalcy at this point is to move on. Maybe now we can focus on another issue, like better public education?
There's a lot more to equality than whether people are allowed to get married or not. When segregation laws on buses were repealed, Rosa Parks didn't sit down, put the kettle on, and say "Well, time to get on with the rest of my life now that racism is solved."