Anyone here regularly listen to audiobooks? How are they? Easy to follow? Do you like them better than actual reading? If so, why?
I've thought about getting a few audiobooks off of iTunes before, but decided against it. I figure if you're going to spend that kind of money, you might as well get a book for it.
Eragon...i'm to lazy to read books. It twas good cause u can't lose your page and you don't have to hold it and you can fast forward to your favorite sounds better on tape then in my head.
Many years ago when William shatnet wrote his first star trek book after the film generations i bought the book but because i was away with the army a lot i didn't have time to read it so i bought the audio version on cd and to be fair if you clear your mind you can follow them but when you get a single distraction you stop following it and your mind wonders. the book was called Ashes Of Eden. And when i finally read the hard back it turned out to be a very good read indeed. ~Raven.
Well they can be handy if you don't have the time to read them. But they can be really handy to the Blind. Lets not forget the blind people also like fiction. ~Raven.
I have found that it largely depends on the person they recruit to read the story. I LOVE audio books for those long boring drives! But nothing beats the sweet smell of a newly printed book!
Too true. But not every Blind person wants to use them. Its all down to persoanl taste at the end of the day. I think Audio books are a good idea there just not for everyone. ~Raven.
C'mon Spider...U just can't pimp walk your way into wall mart and go to the book section and buy brail books...they have to be ordered of a magazine and brail selection is very limited...not trying to sound rude plaese don't mistake me for sounding so.
Yeah thats true. But like I said not all blind people like to run their fingers across the pages. ~Raven.
last time i checked they are also way less cheaper than ours. But lessons to learn how to read are expensive
Hmm.... well, I haven't tried an audio book yet but I think they'd be better for more non-fiction stuff than fiction. yes?
Not necessary you can really get into some audio books. But I its best that you listen to them when your relaxed and alone. ~Raven.