I was at my parents today when Dan phoned. He told me to sit down, and with the tone in his voice, and after the horrid day I was having, I thought there was something seriously wrong straight away! But when he told me the news I instantly burst into tears and couldn't be any happier. He had given me the best news since Tobin arrived into the world safely and healthily. The Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship sent him a large orange envelope with our application particulars inside and a letter telling us that his application for a partner (temporary) visa has been accepted! So for the next 2 years at least, Dan is permitted to stay, and if we are still together in 2 years time, he will be able to stay indefinitely! I just had to share the news with everyone here and to thank you all for the support I've received from the members here. Love and hugs, Sherie
Awesome Sheri....congrats. It sucks you guys had to jump through hoops to get here...but...now you can just focus on being a family.
Congratulations, Torana! Great to hear some good news - especially when that good news means so much to the people whom it concerns.
Congratulations! I'm jealous I still have to wait two years until I finish University before I can apply to move to Australia. It's my dream
I have no idea who you are, lol. But I just read your first post and honestly have goosebumps all over. (You should be a writer!!!) I'm so happy for you guys
I forgot to reply to this thread, like the idiot I am, but yes, that's really great news Tor. It must be such a relief to know he's here to stay. I hope you had a wee celebration of sorts, because it seems like the perfect occasion.
Thanks everyone. I think I am still in shock at the moment. I was convinced his application would be rejected. So glad it wasn't the case Well, when you apply, I wish you all the luck in the world. They are cutting right back on the number of people they let in soon. The prices for the visas is going up again soon too. It went up by 1/4 this year. It's a little crazy, but we had a rather large number of migrants in the last 12 months and they are cutting back drastically.
Thanks Becca, Speedy and Gigi! A friend of mine told me all this stuff we needed to send off and it was going to cost 3 times the amount it ended up costing us. So I was really stressed leading up to the application. But I had a friend on here, and I'm 90% certain it was you Speedy, that gave me some information and tips with the application and it really did come in handy. Without that advice, we'd never of had the proof we needed to send off to the department. It's funny how our application came down to a handful of peoples statements and some advice from an online friend.
It was a while ago and i have a brain like swiss cheese. Having a partner who did immigration law for a while helps (I rememember sitting in an internet cafe at the time you were after some help, but not sure if it was that good). You and Dan were always going to have a happy ending. I mean, fate maybe, but after speaking to Joanne about your situation and it was apperently a no brainer to her. Thank your lucky star's His here now and this didnt have to happen in 5-10 years time when it's going to be hard yakka to get into this insane nation.
Thanks for the heads up. I'm not overly worried though. It's my dream so even if they deny me once I'll keep trying. Besides something tells me migrating from Canada is easier than getting in from China or India. I could be wrong but who knows.