I know this is not a particularly pressing issue but every time i enter the blogs or spy section of the site i get automatically logged out for some reason. At first ii thought it was my computer but it seems to be happening everywhere for me, at school, work, even on my mobile. I wonder if anyone else is having this or its just isolated. ~souji
You should be visiting the site as https://www.writingforums.org/. If you leave off the www, or are accessing the site via another alias link, you will encounter this type of problem. Your cookie is stored for the URL you login to. If you login through an alias, your login is registered for the alias URL, but as soon as you go trough an absolute link, you will lose your logged in status.
It took me a while to get that but i understand the cause. I always leave out the www part when typing the address, such a small omission was the source. As always quick and helpful Cog. Thank you