Am I allowed to start a new game? I enjoy this word game on a few forums and is always quite popular. Starts off where you type a word and see how many words you can make from that word. To make it a bit hard, no two letter words can be used, and no names. I'll start this off. Mods if its not appropriate you can delete this thread. No less than 10 words. NO MEMBER MAY POST MORE THEN TWICE IN THE SAME TWENTY POST PAGE.. Any third post will be deleted, along with all posts that depend on that third post. Violating the rule will therefore impact other players. stationery station torn rent tray stray try yearn nose rosy riot ration yes any stain artery nasty tasty taste rotten rant nor rotate yarn ate stone stony stare stair raise raison snort star reason roan iron rate tan state friendship
friend ship end send fend spend pend pen pens pin pins pine pines fine fines fiend dip fried dries shine rind fish dish red reds dishes dies hide hides ---- ahhhh word overload! lol instigate
Instigate. state. eat. ate. gate. git. sit. gates. net. nets. gait. gaits. sing. ting. age. ages. sage. tag. tags. nag. nags. sin. tin. tins. tint. tints. gin. ten. tent. tents. gent. gents. get. at. gets. sat. tat. satin. stain. taint. gain. gains. sane. sate. tine. stint. stage. tie. tea. sea. tats. tan. tans. sign. ties. site. nite. taints. saint. sting. stag. sent. tang. tangs. Misspelled
Misspelled: Dim. Dime. Dimes. Dimple. Dimples. Lie. Lies. Lime. Limes. Limp. Limps. Lip. Lips. Lisp. Lisps. Less. Miss. Missed. Misled. Pile. Piss. Pissed. Simple. Sell. Sells. Sled. Sleds. Sime. Smell. Smells. Speed. Speeds. Sped. Spell. Spells. Spelled. Intelligence
Intelligence gent, gel, get, gen, gene, gill, git, glen, lice, lit, let, leg, lee, lei, lint, lent, line, lite, linen, liege, nice, niece, net, nit, nite, tell, telling, tin, till, tinge, ten, cent, cell, cite, nine Graciousness
graciousness grace race rouse guess cuss rose grass crass once groin grain snag crag sang signs grace rage cage ages rains rang grin sour ogre scare gracious near gear acres scour sugar rogue coins roses rug rag nag our sear scenes scrag sane nicer raise nor cons canes scares cares gains advisories
advisories ads, aid, aids, aide, aides, air, ass, avid, avoid, avoids, arise, arises, advise, advises, adviser, advisor, advisors, evade, evades, idea, ideas, oar, oars, dive, dives, diva, divas, diss, diaries, divisor, divisors, devoid, sad, said, soar, soars, save, saves, sea, seas, sod, sore, vise, vises, visor, visors, void, rad, rads, rave, raves, rod, rods, raid, raids, rise, rises, raise, raises, rose, roses impossibility
Impossibility Imp, bit, sit, sty, piss, loss, pit, pits, bits, tip, tipsy, sip, sips, boss, toss, stop, stops, list, lists, sob, sobs, bliss, plot, plots, lot, lots, lost, list, lists, lob, lobs, slob, slobs, slip, slips, lip, lips, lisp, its, miss, mist, misty, plot, plots, slot, slots, Misadventure
Misadventure Mean, meant, meat, man, manure, must, mud, mad, mire, mute, mature, mere, mist, mare, sad, send, sent, stern, sure, save, sin, sine, suede, stare, sateen, siren, sim, stem, same, semen, sum, damn, darn, die, denture, dent, den, demure, dim, din, dime, venture, visa, venue, vent, vast, van, vet, nut, net, name, tame, tad, turn, tease, remain, reins, ram, ramen, rise, raise, raven, rave, endure, end, ad, inure, advent... Conspicuous
Conspicuous Cons, spins, pins, cops, piss, spun, soup, us, coup, on, ops, nips, no, sips, puns, snips, sins, scopic, snoop, coop, scoop, sup, sun, son, cup, cusp, couscous, spoon, soon, poon, pics, pion, poi, sop, ion, in, scion, pus, puss, cuss, conics, Abnormalities