It's back to school in Ontario today. If you're starting school this week, or you're a parent, how do you feel today? Happy? Wishing the summer could last longer? What grade are your kids going into? What do they think?
the school boards in northern ontario have a PD day. so tomorrow is the first day back. I always loved the first day of school. when I was a child it got me away from my father. When my children were in school it was a time to walk to school with them. We talked about all sorts of things on those walks. Studied math times tables, spelling. bullying, teachers. Now I miss the first day of school excitement. No buying new clothes, school supplies, I even miss making the lunches which was always a lot of fun for me.
A mixture of both. Mine are in 3rd and 6th grade, and I miss having them around all day. They, of course, hate school and anything to do with it - except recess.
My children started school today too. My oldest, Willem, is in middle school in 7th grade. A friend of his came to pick him up and so off he went to school. I walked with my 3 youngest children to school. Sharleen is in 2nd grade, Liem is in 4th grade, and Adonis is in 5th grade. All of my children were excited to start school and happy. I know if Willem hasn't changed his attitude he will soon be ready for school to end again. He doesn't much like school. The others seem fine with it and still enjoy school. I don't like shopping much and couldn't get all the back to school shopping done until this weekend so it was hectic but I managed to survive and get most everything that my children needed for school. I am happy that school is starting because I pay less day care when they are in school. Them going to school or not does not impact how much time I get to spend with them so that is why that is not a factor for me. I hope they all enjoy school better this year and get into less trouble this year than last year.
See - I was the wacko in school - I loved it! If I could have found a position as a paid college student, I would have stayed in college for life. Yep, pretty much the chief dork, right here.
It was my first day back at school and already I have coursework due, GCSE preperation, Art homework and a pile of other things that I need to do. I am being to dislike last year.
Ahh trust me, years 10 + 11 are a pain in the neck. So many deadlines, other commitments getting in the way........ Just concentrate and you'll be fine College starts on Monday
I hate it, I am quite happy to work at Tesco for all I care at this moment. That's where I'll end up anyways, so why bother. :|
No you don't! Trust me, a few weeks ago, I saw people who suddenly realised they had mucked up badly. They opened their GCSE results and started crying. They didnt get the results they wanted. DONT LET THAT BE YOU!!!!
No problem When you think about it, it is only 1 year of work. If you muck up now, that could mean your life not going to plan. Just because you couldnt be bothered to work for ONE year. It's not worth the pain. Just make sure you do well
You should consider teaching Gladiatus. Lmao. Seriosly, thanks for the advice. I am just being all moany cos it is the first day back.
Yeah I know what you mean. I will probably be like it next week They gave us homework to do over the holiday, we hadnt even started there yet!!!!! Now that was annoying! I do actually like teaching, i get all philosophical (a word?) I have people on MSN from other countries like Norway, Italy and Greece and help them learn English. I couldnt take it being a proper teacher though, all us ASBO ridden teenagers eh
Lmao, I know. What are we coming to? Lmao. My French teacher was shocker earlier, he said I was silent all lesson. And my tutor said he had a peaceful few weeks without me. Charming eh ?
Now that was nice Well I have a whole new bunch of teachers to get used to. Also, we have to call them by their names, no sir or miss. That will be confusing in the week!
Mine started back last week. Seth is in K-5, Noah is in 3rd and Caleb is 'proudly' in 5th. I started evening classes, three days a week last week as well.
I'm looking forward to it Freshers' ball, freshers' fireworks, and a law school pub crawl all in the first week