Here in the UK, the BBC's radio station Radio 4 broadcast a programme on Thursday called 'The Bottom Line'. It's a regular series on business matters, in a generally lighthearted format with the presenter discussing the given business subject with three of what count for that programme's industry representatives. This last programme covered the future of the book industry from the perspective of an agent, publisher and e-retailer. This isn't an endorsement for a product, so I'm hoping that it's not contravening any forum rules. The link to the page with the MP3 download is below, but to those who can't access it due to being outside the UK, I apologize in advance. - look for the programme 'Books' for 07 Feb 2013. I think it provides a little insight as to the industry's thoughts on how publishing and e-publishing are affecting things. It's just under thirty minutes long.
All BBC radio programmes (with the exception of some sporting events) are available for download worldwide (just TV which is restricted). Thanks Ian.