I've never read any Terry Pratchett books before and i would like to start reading his Discworld series, but i've heard that it may be better to start a few books into it. Does anyone have advice to share or can i just dive right in with the first book and go on from there?
Firstly, lucky you. To be reading Pratchett for the first time is a pleasure I will never again have. No I did not make this which is why I am making a few amendments to put it in my way of thinking. Wyrd Sisters and Reaper man serve as better series introductions than their preceding novels. Anything in the industrial revolution and ancient civilizations categories pretty much stands alone. I’d recommend starting with Guards! Guards! or Reaper Man. Lay off the early Rincewind books for a while. Read them later on to see how the series starts but don’t expect them to be that great. I also highly recommend checking out the Johnny Maxwell series (Only you can Save Mankind, Johnny and the Dead, Johnny and the Bomb) and the Bromeliad/nomes series (Truckers, Diggers, Wing’s), which while written as junior fiction are just as funny as his adult work, and Good Omens (co-written with Neil Gaiman), which may just be the funniest book ever written.
I would start with The Colour of Magic, because, it's the beginning... But that's just me. I also think Good Omens is great, as per above.
Thank you both, and sorry it took so long to reply. I just bought Reaper Man and am so far thouroughly enjoying it.