(part of my creative-writing efforts) What is the best literature (serious literature and/or entertainment, in particular novels, but also, graphic novels) on androids (robots) and cyborgs (part robot, part human)? (and why?) Thank you!
Isaac Asimov: The Complete Robot, Bi-centennial Man, I Robot Erasmus and Omnius in Legends of Dune and Machine Crusade: Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson. Entertaining battle between humans, machines and cyborgs. The last in this trilogy, Battle of Corrin, I found to be poor and I stopped reading it as soon as Erasmus was synchronised with Omnius. Many others I'm sure also for entertainment value. But best literary ones probably Asmiov and Phillip.K. Dick. Of course, the computer in Arthur C. Clarke's space Odyssey also an interesting one. There are a few great films with that concept. Moon, a recent one is good and there was a classic one with Kirk Douglas.