What do you think was the best book to movie adaptation? I loved Gone With the Wind and The Green Mile
Ooh, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, for sure. Fantastic movie- good action, good writing (Well durr), good acting, good music, good morals, pretty lights (Erm, I mean, good special effects), and it kept straighter to the book then any other book-movie I've seen.
LTWATW was very good. : ) (Lion the witch and the wardrobe if that was hard to catch.. lol) I'd say Doctor Zhivago, but I haven't read the book, so it's hard to tell. I think I shy away from adaptations, partly because they never completely satisfy.
The Hours. I read Michael Cunningham's novel because it won the Pultizer. When I finished and put the book down I realized I had a new book to put on my personal Top 10 list. When I found it was made into a movie I didn't go to the theater because I couldn't imagine a movie that could visually capture how the book made me feel. How wrong I was. I caught the movie late one night quite by chance. When the movie finished, as with the book, I realized I had just watched the best movie I had seen in many years. It wasn't just the acting (which was great), but how the movie actually captured what I think Mr. Cunningham was trying to convey in his novel. It is a 'love it or hate it' movie though...as is the book I imagine. If I read the book or had seen the movie when I was 20 I probably would not have understood or enjoyed it. However, my own 'hours' have passed by and at 42 I find myself asking the same questions and searching for same answers as Virgina, Laura, and Clarissa.
I saw The Hours a few months ago and I loved it, but I haven't read the book yet. I will definitely have to pick it up.