Hi everybody ! I need a name for the place where my story takes place. The place is serene and peaceful, the name should be nice and easy spelling. Could you please rate these names for this project ? scale 1-10 (1= stupid .... 10 = excellent) Lauren Cove Lauryn Cove Aiden Cove Ayden Cove Meryl Cove Comments are welcome Thank you again.
They all sound like people names to me. If it was me writing this, I would go with something like: Windy Cove or Tranquil Cove Basically, anything that doesn't sound like a persons name.
Ayden Cove is the best of those given, all others sound quite dull. Adjectives just seem unimaginative. Clarion Cove? Alliteration never hurt anyone.
agree with first reply, they sound like peoples names. PLus they sound too modern to make a good name to a place, but maybe that is just my impression. I think you should reflect about how old this place is, the history of it, and find out what names were like back then if you want to give a human name to a place.
Thank you for your replies And what about this : Brume Cove Wisdom Cove Prudence Cove (or Prudent Cove) Fine Cove Native Cove Dawn Cove Do you think these names would be better ?
It may be a pain, and it may be pointless, but rather than just naming it. Develop a backstory for it. Is it in/near a town? or is somewhere in an undeveloped area? Would it be a named on a map, or is it given a name by a character in the story? This should make it more natural to some extent, and make it a little more relatable to you and a reader. Just a thought, hope it helps.
i once stayed at a lovely place in maine called 'pleasant cove'... it was... and would be a good name for your setting...
I can't say I recommend using a first name for the name of a Cove unless there's some odd historical story. A last name? Sure, I could see that. "Welcome to LANDERS COVE!" Yeah. I'd like to live there/settle it. Another suggestion, to which I could link you, but if I link you, the link will probably be removed, so I suggest you look up the FrenchBoys generator: "fantasy place name generator". (nine. frenchboys.net/ fantasyplace.php) <-- this might help It comes out with names like "Glassburn" and "Northcrest". Places that sound like they belong in England or Maine. I've found that the names it comes out with sound amazingly natural, and all you've got to do is tack on "Cove" to something that fits.
Smuggler's Cove Jackson's Creek Devoran Cove (Cornish = watering place) Dally Dean (dal = river valley) Hope Cove (hope = valley) This is because places tend to have historical associations, in Europe, at least. The old English is often corrupted to sound like a modern word, see above, but the meaning may be different!
I like the ones with people's names. Maybe it's the founder's name? Or the founder's daughter's name? Sort of like Springfield from the Simpsons (even though that's a last name). But that's just an opinion.
Thank you very much for these replies. Yes it looks like people names...... But it's not so uncommon : Charlotte (North Carolina), Virginia Beach, Madison, Alicia Springs, Adelaide...
The home town in my WIP is called Sorlin's Point, with Sorlin being the founders name. Even if it is named after a person, once you establish it as a real place, the reader likely won't have any problems with it. If you like the sound of one or another, then go with it.