-This is for hp fans or readers.- Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling is a great series. But which is the best and worst book of them? There are 7 books in series- 1st year- Philospher's (Sorcerer's) Stone 2nd year- Chamber of Secrets 3rd year- Prisoner of Azkavan 4th year- Goblet of Fire 5th year- Order of Pheonix 6th year- Half Blood Prince 7th year- Deathly Hollows Vote the best and worst!
The last time we drove down to Arizona, I rated the books from my favorite to least favorite, and he made fun of me for my choices. Constantly vying for first and second place in my mind would be Half Blood Prince and Prisoner of Azkaban. Third and forth would be Goblet of Fire and Deathly Hallows, not always in that order, then Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, and, last of all, Order of the Phoenix. I like parts of that book, but it is by far the most difficult one for me to read.
Yes!! We're like brain twins. I forget Joel's ranking of the books, but Deathly Hallows was last. He hated that book. I can't help but feel that he's a little insane.
1. Prisoner of Azkaban 2. Half Blood Prince 3. Goblet of Fire 4. Philosopher's Stone 5. Order of Pheonix 6. Deathly Hollows 7. Chamber of Secrets They're all quite good, but Deathly Hallows spent half the book camping in the woods, and the plot of Chamber of Secrets was a rehash of Philosopher's Stone. Of course I was a kid when Chamber of Secrets was released, and loved reading it. As a part of a series it reads well. Prisoner of Azkaban had a lot of really interesting stuff in there, along with a time travel resolution. Half Blood Prince was hilarious what with Harry leading Dumbledore's Army, Fred and George Weasley waging a war against Umbridge, and all the Felix potion scenes.
I can actually understand your beau's psychosis ;D. Don't get me wrong; it was a wonderful book. It's just the hardest one for me to re-read. Not 'cause of the rather unfortunate deaths. It's just like, a one-time deal for me XP. But, overall, they'd all be rather equal. Prisoner of Azkaban might be a little farther down the list, though.
I guess I can see his dislike for it, too. It's just weird for me to wrap my head around because I love it so much. Why doesn't everyone like what I like??
1. Goblet of Fire 2. Prisoner of Azkaban 3. Chamber of Secrets 4. Philosopher's Stone 5. Half Blood Prince 6. Order of the Phoenix 7. Deathly Hallows I loved the first four, really. (Might've read Goblet of Fire 21 times, but we won't go there.) But if I HAD to rank them, that's how I would do it. And honestly, I didn't care for the 5th, 6th, or 7th at all. But like I said, if I HAD to rank them, that's how I'd do it.
Wow. It soon became popular! Anyway this is the simple one- Best: Year 1,2,3,4. Simple to read, creative, fun Worst: Year 5,6,7 Sorry J.K, but these books are too long and complex for me... And this is more complex one, 1. P.O.A It introduces lot of characters and have intresting plots! 2. G.O.F Reasons were same as 1, but P.O.A was bit better. 3. Harry's first 2 years. Not so complex, intresting story lines. 4. D.H Hmmm, many people say its the best. But for me, too long and complex, though it was fun and intresting a bit. 5. H.B.P Same reasons as D.H 6. O.O.P Tooooooooooooo Long!! I don't like books that is too long. The other reasons are same as D.H. But I don't hate the Year 5-Year 7 one though... I just less like them.
I enjoyed The Prisoner of Azkaban the most. The introduction of Sirius Black was amazing--he is still my favorite character. The Chamber of Secrets has to be my least favorite. I just remember it as boring.
1. Deathly Hallows 2. Prisoner of Azkaban 3. Goblet of Fire 4. 5. 6. 7. Order of the Phoenix I don't know. I just like fugitive protagonist. Order of the Phoenix was too long and it is by far the least fun and interesting. You also hear Harry ranting and whining all along the book.
1. Half-Blood Prince: Best plot out of all the books, finally finds Voldemort more than a 'dark bad guy', and the most iconic chapter in all the series 'The Flight of the Prince' 2. Order of the Phoenix: Dark, moody, and mature. Signifies the beginning of the losses well and introduces the most despicable character in the series, Dolores Umbridge. 3. Deathly Hallows: Following Harry's journey puts a damper on the Battle of Hogwarts but the material provided is very emotional and dramatic. Abrupt end and a terrible epilogue aside, the book is very good. 4. Goblet of Fire: Perhaps the most senseless of all the books, but it's a very entertaining read, and it chimes in the serious arc of the story. 5. Prisoner of Askaban: It almost pains me to put this book so low, b/c it's a masterpiece, but all four books ahead have aspects to it that surpass this one. 6. Philosopher's Stone: The original and perhaps the least enjoyable on a re-read, but it is significant. 7. Chamber of Secrets: Works solely as a supplement to the horcruxes in the sixth book. Otherwise, it is repetitive and redundant.