I have a tendency to post things to blogs and social media almost as soon as I finish them, and I like the feeling of firing off several entries at once. On the other hand, as I look back on some of the things I've posted over the years... I could really have used some outside opinions. I also think that keeping a blog is a rather more serious affair than having a Facebook account. Would anyone be willing to read through some of my posts before I put them up? Average essay-like post count would probably be one every week or two. I write a lot of little blocks of prose, though. In terms of views, I'd prefer someone who's relatively liberal but doesn't care too much about perfectly matching that label. I'm not sure someone who isn't could tolerate my stuff for very long.
Are you asking if someone would be willing to read through your blog almost every week for free, and give you critique for that, essentially indefinitely?
Basically. It's a significant endeavor, and I can't blame anybody for not wanting to do it, but I don't think it's asking much more than the other threads here.
I believe you are asking much more than any thread on here. The workshop critique, people on average read 1-2 rewrites at most and there's no commitment for the person to continue on with critiquing the work either - they can just stop without answering to anyone or failing anyone's expectations. As for beta-reading a novel, that's a massive endeavor, but that's a finite request. Eg. when the book finishes, you give your critique, at most you may offer to reread one or two key scenes and discuss the issues via email a couple of times, but after that, your job is done. But you're asking for committed critique indefinitely. That's the job of a writing mentor or editor - both of which you have to pay very, very good money for. I think someone would have to be very naive to agree to work with you, sorry. A couple of blog posts, of course that's no problem - but indefinitely? That's basically where it gets ridiculous for me.
As Jannert has pointed out, Beta-reading a novel is a finite commitment. With the added advantage over Beta-reading your blog in that, according to the above, you haven't really re-read and polished your work before putting it out there, so there may well be plenty of typos and misspellings.
I have to agree with the previous posters regarding what you'd be asking in wanting someone to beta-read your blog posts weekly for the foreseeable future. But why not do this: Pretend you're your own beta-reader? Maybe compose the posts in Word or WordPerfect and read them over as through another's eyes? Then once they are ready for prime time, copy and paste them into your blog.
@Mckk @Shadowfax @Catrin Lewis I can see your points. This is a larger request than I first realized. The small size of each individual item caused me to overlook the enormity of the whole thing. For now, I will continue editing the majority of it myself. If all else fails, I'm sure I can find somebody in real life to look over pieces that give me particular trouble.
You could also trade blog post reviewing with another blogger, after you post. That'd give you both more hits. You can go back in and edit-- I do it all the time. Just make sure they know not to do the corrections in the blog comments!
I'm just responding to note that I see keeping a blog as not the least little bit serious. Which a person can tell by reading my blog.