1. J.T. Woody

    J.T. Woody Book Witch Contributor

    Feb 5, 2018
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    Beta Reader(s) Request

    Discussion in 'Collaboration' started by J.T. Woody, May 6, 2024.

    (Shared here and on WF.com)
    • TITLE: The Plan
    • GENRE: Contemporary Fiction (sub: drama, romance, coming of age);
    • WORDCOUNT: 70,600
    • BLURB:
    Tia Gray wants to make her parents proud. A first-year college student destined to follow in their footsteps, Tia is ready for her perfect step-by-step life planned out in the dozen notebooks that line her shelf. Or so she thinks. When pressures rise, Tia takes an uncharacteristic step outside of the lines of her notebook and into the arms of William, her childhood friend.
    William wants nothing more than the love of a perfect family and to get out of the slums of Osborne Park. When the girl he loves and admires most in the world turns up pregnant on his doorstep, he sees his chance for the future he’s always longed for.
    As these plans converge, morph, and reset, one seems to stand out among the rest. Will both Tia and William have the courage to stay within the lines this time?
    • WARNING FOR SENSITIVE CONTENT: Language; pregnancy; mentions of abortion and stillbirths; mental illness; verbal abuse and implied physical abuse
    • AUDIENCE DESCRIPTION: New Adult (ages 17+). Though I'd like anyone to read it, I particularly would like feedback from women on the timeline of events
    • EXPECTATIONS: I would love feedback on execution, characters, plot. I've done SPAG and used a Text-To-Speech reader and Grammarly to assist me in my edits, but obviously, they and myself are not perfect... so I wouldn't mind if those things are pointed out. I'd also like an opinion on audience, as well. Other than that, any other feedback is helpful.
    • TIMESCALE: no time frame (but also, I don't expect Betas to go 3-4 months without some form of communication :bigoops:)
      • PDF
      • Doc/Docx
      • Drives (Google)

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