"Never give up on something, thats the way to success" ^ written by someone who gave up on me... a tad hypocritical of him is it not?
I know this feeling all too well. It seems the people who encourage me the most are the ones who bail out on me the fastest. "Oh I love your writing!! Please keep writing!! I'm going to keep reading, I can't stop!"...*never hears from them again* -_- And all the people who tell me, "Keep writing! Never give up!"--none of them are even interested in reading it!--so why do they tell me that? Pff. Someone once compared himself to one of my favorite characters in my stories and said, "I'm your Damien. I'll never hurt you." Of course, he did exactly that. Still leaves a bad taste in my mouth just to think about it. It seems like promises and apologies don't really have the meaning they used to have, nowadays.
I disagree. Personally I follow the 'Trust but verify' method. I trust everyone in the begining (my wife says that this could be a problem) but when they screw me I move on. There's other people out there and we're all human. So, failing is in our nature. The character of a man is not defined by how far he falls but rather how high he bounces. When someone hurts me or knocks me down, I do my damndest and work my hardest to 'bounce' back. Also, remember that communication is a two way road. I'm not saying that you're not talking to them, but it's always nice to review when you've been reviewed. Send me some of your stuff and I'll read it. I'm not a very technical writer but I'll try to review it. -Xy
Apples and rutabagas. I too begin from a position of openness (trust is too strong a word), and let actions either reinforce that or warn for caution. But someone who asks for trust comes under suspicion quickly. Those most worthy of trust understand its importance, and would not ask someone for trust without having provided good reason for trust; and that person wouldalso know that those trustworthy actions speak for themselves, or not. In my experience, most people who ask you to trust them do not place a very high value on trust.
An interesting take on that word Cog. You know, every person that bailed on me has always placed great significance on always saying "Robs, if you would only trust me"... Trust me with this, trust me with that....ehh...I am sick of that word, actually. Thanks for the caution of trust.
I too start from a position of ... I trust everyone, unless I have a reason not too. This may be my downfall. Background info: He said he had given up on me. Then resently I read on his bebo page; "Never give up on something, thats the way to success" And all I could think was; "but you gave up on me, and chances are if you had tried that little bit longer, you would have succeeded."
I agree Rumpole, If he's willing to quit so easily - then what's gonna happen when *real* trouble comes around.
I trust no one Besides, if you make promises you can't keep you're either a jerk, or a very brilliant tactician. Either way, its a good idea never to make a promise you not absolutely sure you can keep, which means making sure all your promises are short term. "Will you bring me that folder for work tomorrow?" "Sure, I promise." Very easy to keep .
trust my boyfriend. But I trust him becuase he has never given me reason to do otherwise in the four years we were mates before the year or so we ahve been together.
AMEN! If someone is truly trustworthy then they have no reason to insist that you trust them, in my experience at least. This is a reason why I've grown to dislike promises and apologies--they're easy to give, but apparently difficult to mean.
IS there any one moment where you don't say something that's philosophically impacting on an extreme mental level!! *struggle for air*