I am writing a story where the MC is blind, and I am writing it on the 3rd person. Can I describe things that i see but the main character doesn't, for example, how a person looks like when they meet? I have never read a book with a blind main character, I tried to google it, but wasn't able to find it. Does any one know what I should do?
You can. Of course. You can tell any story you like. But the strength of having a blind MC and describing the whole story without visual cues would be so much cooler.
Since it is third person you can describe things as seen, just make sure that it not from the point of view of the blind MC. You have to rely on his other senses like smell, touch and sound when presenting his POV. You can jump into his head and give how he perceive something (a thing or a person) in his mind through these other senses. For that I suggest you speak with a person or doctor who deals with blind persons. I googled and from what I read, people who are blind from birth do not construct a mental image like a sighted person does (like when a sighted person does listening to a story or reading a book). So, when you write from the blind person's POV you have to consider if the person is blind from birth or if he became blind say after he was 20.
I have a blind character. I write in first person however and use several sound and touch cues more often than I use sight. The whole story doesn't have any visual descriptions. Instead it's descriptions based off of what he hears and touches. But if you're writing in third person than you could use the details of what people look like and patterns.
I agree with the above. You can certainly do this in third person POV. But as has already been suggested, it might make for a very interesting piece of writing if you limit the description to what the MC can perceive. Depends on what you are trying to accomplish with the story, I suppose.
I liked the suggestion of writing as the MC would perceive, I think I might try that. I am still a beginning writer and this is my first attempt at a novel, so I still feel a little lost... Thank you very much for the answers