Please forgive if this is a perennial question, but I have noticed that some folks use the blog function here to write about their day or week and others use it to post work. So, what’s the deal? If I post work in my blog will people comment on it? Please guide me, oh seasoned vets.
It's up to the individual member, subject only to the forumwide content rules. Blogs don't get visited as often as forum threads, so if you are really seeking advice to improve your writing, the Review Rooms are your best bet. But the blogs let you organize your work into categories, and it all remains closely associated with you.
From the point of a reviewer - I won't critique any work in blogs unless I'm PM'ed. I just don't click on the blogs very often. :redface:
A lot of what yoiu might have seen as work in the blogs, is poetry yes? Some of the members use poetry to express how they are feeling. So though it appears as work it is often personal poetry.