Hi I am in the very early stages of beginning to toy with the idea of writing a story about my life. I think that having a stroke so young would make it an attention grabber what do you think? The point of this thread is even though I'm writing about how my life was affected and my struggles as a teenage mum with my condition. Although I'm also interested in writing about an abusive relationship that was in and how perhaps that kinda stemmed from my parents relationship and the way they behaved, do you think from a readers point of view that would be too much info? Should I stick too just about the stroke and the after effects of that. Look foward to hearing any insights and advice you may have x
It's really up to you to decide. As long as the writing is good, I'll read about any topic. Of course, this is just one reader's opinion.
Sounds interesting. I had a patient once, a 4 yr old actually, that had a stroke. I was a new nurse. The doctor was very good. The boy was complaining about a stomach ache. To kids that age, every pain in the torso is a stomach ache. But the doctor noted on the neuro exam he had left sided deficits. It turned out the boy had endocarditis and clots from his heart ended up occluding a blood vessel in his brain. I remember that patient and the very good doctor to this day. If that's any indication, I think you have an interesting story.
Yes I read once that a girl had written a book about a stroke she suffered at 14 but I think it's very important to highlight that it can happen to people of any age on stroke forums people writing about someone's had a stroke young at like 25. This is a new genre for me as I have only written fanstay before. I have severe dystonia in my right side, bloodclots on left. I was left in the hospital waiting room for hours only after having to go to a different hospital. I would write about how to overcome things mentally aswell as physically thank you for your feedback.