As a teenager I lack life experience opposed to most adult writers, and therefore I have less events to take inspiration from. Although lately I've been very inspired about a certain subject: Being heard. After all I made the blog "Cherish These Words" because I want to be recognized in such a large society and long for recognition. So I was wondering if my fellow members could share their opinions as to whether this could work or not. I've been inspired to write a book about a character such as myself that wants his voice to be heard in a society where it has never been done before. (Obviously it has in reality, but this is a book that will have a completely different setting than my current one.) Whether or not you like this idea, I think I'll still pursue it because I can't just ignore a sudden inspiration. So what do you guys think? ALL input would be appreciated. -Logan
Follow your gut, man. Who cares what we think? Anything can be a story. It just matters how you tell it.
That actually sounds like a good idea Make it a dystopia or something...Or a society where kids aren't allowed to voice their opinions until they reach a certain age, like 18.
Taylee's idea was awesome. I agree with YoungCreature, though - it's your idea, write it. Don't seek validation, and don't go by whether other people like the nutshell description. Nothing is going to be everybody's cup of tea, and besides, it's how you write it that counts. I'd also strongly disagree with your statement that you lack experience because you're a teen. I know people who had to grow up before age 12, and also extremely sheltered momma's boy types who acted like spoiled tweens until age 30. As a teen, you understand issues that adults don't. Each crop of teens deals with their own struggles and hardships -- not just stuff like love and cliques that all generations experience, but issues unique to their generation. Adults who write YA will try their best to "get it realistic," and portray things the way they think a teen would, but you ARE a teen. "The Outsiders," "Diary of Anne Frank," "Frankenstein" and others were written by teens.
What other people think of the idea is completely unimportant. You were on the right track when you said you were going to write it no matter what. Al that matters is what they think of the book when it has been completed. Some would say that it only matters what you think of it when it is finished, but that's not quite true if you plan to publish it.
Interesting idea, I would suggest to watch "Battle Royale 2" in order to develop it, the movie deals with teenagers who want to be heard.
If you think that being young means you lack experience then you have missed the movie The Outsiders which basically covers this topic. Watch it, His teacher gives him an assignment to bring up his grade and tells him to write about life experiences. He thinks he is to young to have any and by the end of the movie you realize this kid has lived through more things than you could imagine. You have all the inspiration and depth inside of you already. Tap into it and you will be able to write a masterpiece you will be proud of.
Sounds awesome, write it! Don't ever let anyone look down on you because you are young (especially yourself).
Sounds interesting. I say do it, but whatever you do, PLEASE don't do one of those "oh I wished for fame but now I regret it because I lost all my friends or something." Those bug me. Do it for great justice.
If you enjoy writing it, then write it. If you can write an interesting story about paint drying, people will read it. There are easier ideas and tougher stories to write, but once you have a direction, it up to your ability to make it interesting.
NEVER ignore inspiration. If you havent lived as those around you it doesnt mean you lack in experience. Write about what you know. Or what you imagine you know. You mat even start a new sub culture. Lol