Has anyone purchased this book: 1001 Way to Market Your Book by John Kremer? If so, what can you tell me about it? Worthwhile or ripoff?
didn't know the book, but since it's in its 6th printing, i guess it has something to offer... that said, it's pretty costly at over 17 bucks new and up to $53-99 used [!], so i don't know that i'd find it all that worthwhile...
NaCl, Try the local public library? If ours doesn't have a book, they have agreements with other libraries that will send them the book (if they have it) if I pay a dollar for shipping. It might give you a chance to get all the good information from it without spending too much, and if it's something you want as a constant reference, then you can order it? Sometimes university libraries have reference books which this might fall under. If they did, you could look at it there. But I suspect the local public would be a better shot. Even a phone call to the libraries might let you know without having to drive, if it's out of your way. Just a thought. Terry