OK, I'm not even sure how to ask this, otherwise I'd be searching Google. I want to find out which genres of books are most popular and which genres are growing in popularity. I'd like to see what different age groups of people read. In other words, I'd like to understand what kind of audiences are out there. I'm sure this is out there, but I can't think of the right google phrase to type in... It seems to me that Stephenie Meyers books were so popular because she filled a void in teen literature: romance novels for teens. In fact, she is the only 'romance literature' I've ever read because frankly, I find the whole genre cheesy. (The covers most of all..) (NO offense to those romance writers here in the room...I can't get past the half dressed woman on the front covers.)
The easiest way is to visit some bookstores and see what they are selling. For the type of informatiion you appear to be looking for, that should give a good enough answer.
Many industry magazines provide statistics and information. Locus, for example, focuses on SF and Fantasy. I think there is Publishers Weekly, that has a lot of statistics. I've seen links and quotes to it on occasion. Terry
yes, the best source for info like that is what those in the publishing industry rely on... all you have to do is google: http://www.google.com/search?rls=ig&hl=en&q=publishing+industry+magazines&aq=0&oq=publishing+industry+maga