I just thought of the title for my book I was calling Vampire and the Doe. It's sooooo good, I'm having trouble holding in my excitement. My book feels more real now. I can't say the name of the title but it is, dare I say it Poetic. Having trouble breathing, I need to sink my fangs into something...
When I came up with a working title for my WIP, which wasn’t too long ago, it made me feel like I’m a little bit closer to becoming an author. Yeah, I know it could change again (like it has many other times) but I feel like this one relates very well to the book, more so than the other ones. I also like it a lot more than the other ones.
GlitterRain a lovely name. It makes me think of rainbows and unicorns. Question, i see this constantly as of late the word WIP. What does it mean to us writers?
my thanks GlitterRain, i could have googled it. But sometimes i think that just takes away from any meaningful conversation.
I feel that a title should reflect what the book is about in some way. And while most are just simple and direct 2-3 words long, some may evoke an emotion depending the choice of words. Slight off topic, but why is there this new fad of putting (A Novel) underneath the title. As if we are to dumb to figure that out when we go to buy the damn thing. IDK, just seems corny to me.
Mine is only 3 words and reflects my eccentric personality which in turn reflects my eccentric story. Difficult to say i reflect much in a mirror though. Have not been able to do my make up in a long time. *drum roll* I have a saying, judge a book by it's cover. Because all my favorite books had interesting characters. Not to say that books without some interesting cover, crappy cover art. Are not good, I've read a few wonderful books that had less than stellar book cover. Maybe in this day and age where Pinterest shows you just how polished and commercial artists have gotten. The book covers i see nowadays are generally very good. I used to go to my local book stores just to look at the interesting front covers, if i liked what i saw then i would be interested enough to look what was on the back cover. Whoever had the "novel" idea to add (A Novel) to a books cover, maybe they're just trying to work there way up the corporate ladder with fresh new ideas. Perhaps i should get invited to one of there parties so i can introduce myself and ask them for a drink.
While they have certainly polished their craft for the cover art, they seem to lack the charm of the older hand painted covers from days since past. I make my own covers, and the first one I ever made looks well not the best. However the second looks a lot better. And in todays market you can hire a pro artist or graphic designer, but you have to have some cash to burn if you go that route. And another alternative that is available are prefabbed covers, that all you have to do is fill in the wordy bits. As for the bit about adding (A Novel), I have no idea. Maybe they have had one too many drinks, and have to remind themselves the wrote something that was long enough to be considered as such. I haven't seen anyone label a Novella in this manner, but plenty of shorts have a similar notation attached to them. If you want to sit and drink with them, you could look into finding the local/state writers where you happen to be at.
I most certainly would loooove to sit down and have a drink with them, the more the merrier i always say. I would probably be very blood drunk by the end of the night, i don't know the state they will be in when i retire... meh, i would enjoy that very much. Perhaps new inspiration would spring from there hearts, though i highly doubt it. CT you impress me, you are an artist. I love artists as i am an artist as well. All art is good art i say and yours is very good art i would wager. Not everything that people try to pass as art is art though, i wanted to make that distinction. I wont name names but i hope you understand my meaning. I love art.
I thought you were excited over the title "Vampire and the Doe" and then realised you meant you had a better title to the piece you used to call that lol. Titles - they don't mean much to me as a reader. They're just exciting captions/words that may or may not capture my attention. The best titles probably take on a new meaning once the reader has read the book. The best ones should be memorable. I do not find the titles of most commercial novels to be any good at all, although they do capture my attention so clearly their job is done. But in terms of being artistic, meaningful, or memorable, most titles kinda suck really. I think titles can have as much or as little depth as you want really - their primary job is of course to get the reader to pick up the book and if they manage that, then it's as good a title as any. But I feel there's a grade amongst good titles that make some better than others, which would relate to the other qualities I've already mentioned. For myself, I don't yet know my book's ending, so it's hard to say what the title should be. The working title is Shadow War, and for a spell it was Resurrection. I have no idea if I'll be using either one of these or a new one altogether.
Mc you bring up a great many good points! A second after I read your post, I admit that I panicked... I was afraid that someone had already used the title to my book, I googled it. My blood rejoiced when I saw that no one is using it. I'm so very glad my original idea for a book title is still original. Can I... do something to protect the book title besides write 50,000 words very fast and self publish my book quickly? I hope to capture the readers attention, with the book cover art first. A ballerina in repose. The vampire, me somewhere close behind her being very very cliche. *grins* perhaps a black background, or mmmm something red. Red... I love typing that word. Red. It just rolls off my fingertips. Red. I can't help myself. Perhaps some neat holes on the ballerinas neck. But that would be too tiny on the book cover. Unless... *getting thirsty* having a hard time ordering my thoughts... Red... Unless the pale beauty of the ballerinas graceful neck, and just the hint of the underside of her chin. Yes... that is my book cover! Thank you Mc! The ballerinas neck on the front cover, two holes shown with the appropriate amount of blood dripping down her neck. The appropriate amount is shown in my picture. Perhaps the slightest hint of her lips in ecstasy, she is unable to do anything but breathe quickly. My fangs should be kissing her neck though... or perhaps her shoulder is showing too. The spot where the neck meets the shoulder. The pale princess could have more than one set of bite marks. *bites lip* I can't help myself. She is too beautiful. I do hope that anyone who reads my book will be drawn in. I did like the first title of my book because it described these two characters. However my new book title. Sooo good if I do say so myself. Mc I do like your book title Shadow War, it reminds me of one of my favorite television shows Babylon 5, they fought shadows in that. I surprised myself today greatly, I came up with the ending for my book! In the past I had heard of different writers knowing the ending of there book. Now I get it. It was inspiration on inspiration. I wrote on my scratch pad in the scrivener program my little idea for the ending. My thanks Mc for the inspiration, like a fine red wine that breathes deeply on my lips. I love being inspired almost as much as I love blood. *tips her hat to Mc*
@honey hatter - I'm glad my post inspired you so Anyway, there's no way to copyright a title, I'm afraid. Even if your book is published, another author can still use the same title. The only way to copyright it is probably to turn it into a trademark, similar to Darth Vadar or Harry Potter.
I remember reading it on Nownovel that the title basically a one (or two or three or more) word summary of your story. Then the synopsis is a paragraph summary of your work. So the title should be related to every aspect of your story. And also attention captivating.
*tries to collect self OMG, almost had a heart attack even though my heart doesn't BEAT* Gahhhh i know spiders are little blood suckers like me but damn i hate spiders... GAHHH!!! I was about to post something glowing to you all when the flexible rubber wire of my wireless headphones i had tucked into my shirt brushed my face!!!! I SAID WHAT THE FUCK!!! Sorry... shaking... last night my nephew and his fiance stayed the night, a spider had crawled onto his neck while they were sleeping... He froze, asked his fiance to brush the spider off his neck!!!! It moved onto the cheek on his face!!! She did it, they both screamed bloody murder running out of there room at 3 o clock in the morning... I thought a burglar had broken into the house i was ready to rip out his carotid artery! Mess with this vampire you get the fangs! I went out into the hall and found them looking like an opening to Cthulhu's dimension had just opened up in the center of there bed! OMG! I HATE SPIDERS! back to my praise i was about to rain down upon you nice gentle folks Agasa welcome to the forum, thanks for your post, my book title definately has a hook to the main character. I'm hoping the back cover of the book doesn't get so captivating that it has anyone that picks it up wanting to rip there clothes off in the bookstore and find the closest vampire... Now that i think of it that might not be such a negative thing. CT i was going to use that book title until i found out from you just now that its taken already dangit! You want to get bitten don't you CT? Look into mine eyes... how about now? *tips hat* thanks everyone! Agasa dun be scared I don't bite... Much
Just for the record, my favourite title-generating writer is Scottish crime novelist Christopher Brookmyre. He has a few one-word titles in his backlist as well, but here are the kinds of titles that made me want to read the books! And I don't even READ crime novels, as such. And yes, he is a very funny writer. Quite Ugly One Morning Attack Of The Unsinkable Rubber Ducks A Big Boy Did It And Ran Away One Fine Day In The Middle Of The Night and my favourite... All Fun And Games Until Somebody Loses An Eye Damn.
You can totes have it, fair square legit. Don't tempt thee blut engel, I have a thing for eyes. Getting bitten however is another thing entirely.
Tanx Personification of Wisdom made flesh! *tips hat to jannert* You get one of my eyes... I get one of your veins a fair trade if I've ever heard one.