What are some books that you would like to see be made into movies? My personal favorites are (1) Bryan Davis's "Dragon's in our Midst" series, and (2) Stephen Lawhead's "The Dragon King Trilogy."
Island of the Sequined Love Nun by Christopher Moore would translate really well into film, I think. There isn't a whole lot of "internal" stuff that would be lost - at least, not enough to significantly change the story. Also, Kimi.
Dune directed by Peter Jackson. The first few R.A. Salvatore books about Drizzt would be good, although definitely reminiscent of Lord Of The Rings and probably not as good. The Case Of Charles Dexter Ward by Lovecraft would make a good movie also.
Where to even begin. :redface: I would love to see God Emperor of Dune as a movie, but it can easily go both ways. It'll either be fantastic or horrible. Picture Star Wars, but where half the movie is Han Solo talking to Jabba, and you get the idea. Then there's Hunt for Atlantis, by Andy McDermott. It should be a no-brainer, so I'm a bit surprised no one has picked up the movie rights yet. As the name suggests, it's very similar to Indiana Jones and all that stuff (I refuse to say Dan Brown), but takes place in the modern world. The eight book (Temple of the gods) will be out soon, and he promised at least three more. They just gets better and better, so where are the movies? And why not bring back other franchises instead of digging them into the dirt? Friday 13th: Hell Lake, Church of the divine psychopat and Carnival of Maniacs could all be fun movies. And what about the Jason X (book-)sequels? Or perhaps bring back Robert Englund for Nightmare on Elm Street: Suffer the children or Dreamspawn? Not to mention comic books. There already was a finished script for Freddy Vs Jason Vs Ash (yes, the Evil Dead-Ash), but for idiotic reasons it was canned and turned into an awesome comic book instead. Why not make the movie?
Agreed. I was bummed when I heard that they scrapped Del Toro's At The Mountains Of Madness. Like I said earlier I think Charles Dexter Ward would make a damn good movie if it is done right.
A Wizard of Earthsea, done faithfully, would be a dream come true. I would say His Dark Materials but they already buggered that up.
I think the Harry Potter series would translate well to film, but I doubt that's ever going to happen tbh.