Has anyone ever had braces, or has there children or anything had braces? What are the good/bad sides to it?
I had braces and it's one of the best decisions I ever made. They hurt when they get tightened, but that's about it. A week of eating soup is no big deal every few months. My ugly smile was ruining my life, and now? I've got lovely straight teeth. I'm always smiling. Oh, and braces don't look bad. They disappear to you and everyone else after a while. If you need them, get them.
Next month I will be wearing my braces for a year. Before you get braces you have to wear spacers for a week before you get braces. Depending on why you need them will determine how long you'll need them and what will be done. I had to have two teeth removed the same day as my braces was put on and a surgery a couple months later. Spacers hurt fairly well, but the best part is you only wear them for a week; braces vary. The first night of braces is pretty sore in all honesty. Good side of braces is that your teeth will be fixed and that you won't have to worry about your teeth anymore if they're in really bad shape. Bad thing is unless you have insurance they're pretty costly, and if you have insurance and it's considered an emergency you get it for free. Another bad thing is is that if you don't brush regularly (Which Is something I hope we all do) and use your water pick your teeth could come out worse than before; that's only if you don't brush regularly and water pick. The water pick costs I think somewhere around 50-60 dollars. It's basically a flosser but where you can't floss with normal floss it is like the tooth brushes at the dental office when you get a cleaning. It throws water and is pretty much electronic.. you just have to charge it and fill it with water. If you have any questions feel free to pm me
Yeah, I've had braces some years ago. The bad side is you might sound a bit weird when you talk, and it'll hurt your teeth sometimes, but it does make your teeth straight, so yeah. It also depends of how old you are, your teeth'll move quicker the younger you are.
Braces are awesome in the long run, you are very blessed if you have them and you will love your smile.
Braces can really be annoying - food gets stuck in them and they can snap off pretty easily if you're not careful (but I did manage to eat apples without damaging them while I had mine), and as other people said, they make your gums ache when they're tightened or make you talk strangely (particularly if you need that one thing they place on the roof of your mouth). However, it's true that you end up with an awesome smile by the end x333 As for when you should get them, if you think you need to, I think my orthodontist recommended around the end of your growth (if earlier, once you're done with the braces then bones will still be moving around since the head is apparently the last part of you which... stabilizes? and later on, it's really difficult because all your bones are set and your teeth don't move around as well).
My sister had braces for a year or so, and she ended up liking wearing them, but then I assume that may have just been that she got used to what she was wearing. Some issues with braces include 1. hurting quite a lot when they're tightened 2. snapping easily sometimes, and the orthodontist got pissy with our Rachael about that and threatened to charge if they kept snapping 3. sometimes when they have been removed they stain your teeth That being said, now Rachael's got them taken off, her smile is beautiful, and they didn't actually end up marking her teeth, although she still wants them whitened to finish off the look.
I had braces for 6 years. Yes really. I had so much dental work to fix problems with teeth that were just never there and other issue. It was painful for sure and a pain to have to go through it for so long but I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I don't want to imagine what my smile would look like right now without it. Also my son has had a first round of braces but we will have to wait until he finishes growing before we can fix the rest because his bottom jaw is out growing his top jaw. In the end we will probably have to do jaw surgery and then braces again for him. I feel bad that it will only get worse for him until he hits 21, 22 and we can know for sure that's he's stopped growing. But how lucky for him (and me) to be able to have such terrible problems fixed.
I currently have braces that I've been wearing for almost 6 months now. I have to admit that they take a bit getting used to but after awhile they become second nature and you forget you have them at all. You do have to be aware of what your eating because really hard or chewing foods can bend or loosen them. In the 6 months I've had them I noticed dramatic change in my smile, it's amazing how much your teeth shift.I am really looking forward to the end result, I still have about a year left to go but I don't regret getting them.
I had a friend who had braces on his legs. Wait, you mean braces on the teeth? Oooooh!! Well, I haven't had braces on my teeth before. Is it true that stringy food can get stuck behind them?
I only had braces for a couple of weeks, just to strengthen the position of new teeth coming through. Thankfully, my parents paid a little more for good, discrete braces so they were hardly (if at all) noticeable, so I didn't mind them as much as I know others did.
I actually don't recommend them unless your teeth are really bothering you. I had braces for two years because of a slight overbite that no one even realized I had, and a crooked front tooth (that went crooked again when they were taken off) and it wasn't worth it. It was really painful for me after each tightening. The braces also cut my lips a lot and were a general pain in the butt, and because of the overbite I had to wear those giant ones that goes around your head and makes you look like the Frankenstein monster. Maybe if my teeth had been more of a problem, I would have felt different about it.
I was supposed to have braces but I refused. Merely because I would have had to have teeth pulled out and that scared the hell out of me, and having braces as well as glasses would just make me look even worse. It's perfectly normal to have braces though and it's probably best in the long run.
Seeing that I live in a place where hardly anyone has braces, my opinion is that they are nearly always unnecessary. The kids here have pretty good looking teeth--I don't know if it's genetic, or if it's because they eat so much yoghurt, fruit and veg here. Teeth are often only crooked when they are coming in and then they straighten out by themselves without a whole load of panic and expense. Okay, sometimes there are problems with positioning or the shape of the jaw which means if you want perfectly straight teeth you may perhaps need braces. Apart from looking hideous and playing havoc with self-esteem (although if wearing braces is common I guess that wouldn't be such an issue), braces can be painful, or cause painful sores on the inside of your mouth. They actually leave marks on the enamel sometimes. Also, it's really not normal to have perfectly arranged teeth like piano keys, any more than it's normal for all women to have totally round globular breasts. It's not a crime if teeth are slightly irregular--it didn't do Vanessa Paradis, Morgan Freeman or Madonna any harm.
I wore braces for three years: one year removable; two years fixed. Hated every second. They might have straightened my teeth but my general oral health suffered due to an awkward, independent orthodontist who fixed them in a way that she claimed was better but hindered brushing. My second orthodontist (I moved countries two years into the treatment) was appalled. -.- I've had a metal retainer fixed on the back of my lower teeth since I had the braces taken off at age 15. I was told it would break one day but when I spoke to my dentist about it last year he said he still has his retainer too - and he got his in his teens as well.