I'll try to summarise the overall nature of the blog i plan to set up.... The articles will are philosophical in nature, although not in the academic sense (im not likely to be referring to the works of past philosophers or anything) It will be extremely broad and encourage readers to question the way they perceive and attempt to teach an understanding of the modern political world stage, in an accessible way, by looking at history and the social sciences. It's essentially a humanist blog, but it'll cover not just politics and philosophy but also science and humanism. I wish to stress to my readers on Home page the nature of 'truth' and 'Socratic truth' and why critical thinking is essential for all humans, and not just people in some lines of work. Some ideas for names i've had so far (which i'm largely unhappy with) include: Anti-Oracle.com antioracle.com AlongForTheRide.co.uk TheModernMyth.com ItAintaAlwaysRosy.com DispelIt.org Depuppetized.com 'The Red Pill' - (can't find a suitable domain name which can include 'red pill') Any ideas from you guys would be a massive help, thanks! PS. Also any remarks on the ideas listed would be appreciated too! PPS. I'm using 123-reg.com to check domain availability
I'd avoid the "anti oracle" choices. It sounds like a blog to trash a major software company, and will attract fanatical database programming nerds.
Hi, Your titles so far seem to all be running along the lines of skeptics. I'm not sure if this is intentional. However given what you've outlined as to your interests it seems slightly off. Personally I'd go for something more generic. Just Thinking Thoughts Reflections Realities Or something more movie based (since you used the red pill). Postcards From The Edge Of Reason Life, The Universe And All That Jazz Cheers, Greg.
lol thanks guys i didnt even think about the Oracle company tbh i barely know about them haha ye i'll avoid that Thx Psycho i like your movie-based ideas. I really like the idea of doing something like that, but i also want to keep it snappy-ish for the domain name - how would you address this balancing act? thanks @mammamaia thanks i didnt realise it was that important - i really want to get a .com anyway - thanks for letting me know
Why don't you just say what the blog is in your title. Mine bluntly says "Mental Health Advocate and Writer" in the title. Pretty blunt as to what it is, so no one can get confused at to what it's about.
thanks Kate, i really dont think i could though. I often find it hard to condense stuff generally but my blog is going to be so broad I'm just not quite sure what it actually is myself lol When i have a reasonable amount of content i should have a better idea but the trouble is i don't, yet, and I want to get the domain now so i can kick off the site and get used to Wordpress again before i launch it properly Lol im usually not impatient but im keen to get this started cus i just tend to have this sense that if i'm not moving forward i'm moving backwards May i ask what you opted for as a domain name for that title of yours? EDIT: It just occurred to me there was a character in a game i used to play called Captain Kate, lol (Monkey Island 2)
The more you over think the plumbing, the easier it'll be to stop up the drain. Simpler is better, trust me. Mine's got two pictures on the front page, some small posts I've made in the past 24 hrs and I'm still working on my menu to allow visitors to find my writing. Really simple. Blog's don't always have to follow the title hard and fast either. That's the advantage of a blog, you can go an any direction you want. However, if you want search engine results, you need certain index words and they're different by subject. I have a connection between my blog here and the one on tumblr through my page. It'll be easier to see then to explain.
ye i'm trying to keep mine simple too. I'm looking at themes right now and realising i'm going to need to remove many of the toggles/widgets because they seem more prepared for an entire editorial staff rather than an individual - but hopefully i can work hard at the start getting it looking decent, and then the rest will come into fruition as and when i have more content. One other thing that's dawned on me is the use of images EVERYWHERE. My writing doesn't require much imagery as it's not all that often about current affairs. I don't see a problem with this though; it's just that I'm not sure how big i can choose my pictures in terms of resolution, because some may read it on a handheld device or iPad and others on a large monitor - I want the imagery to be striking but i need to ensure it doesn't take 2 days to load up the page on a smaller device because of the size of the image (kb/Mb) But i am most certainly jumping the gun. I'm just the kind of guy who plans everything to a tee before he makes his first move lol. Always been the way Unfortunately I'm also incredibly indecisive and hence i'm stuck on the name! Once I've got that i can immediately begin my WP practice and feel more incentivized to write content too.
i like the idea tis interesting, how would you relate it to the sort of stuff i'd be doing?, ie. if i were asked about it, how would it tie in with the political/philosophical nature of the blog? thanks
''6th-century BCE pre-Socratic Greek philosophers Thales of Miletus and Xenophanes of Colophon were the first in the region to attempt to explain the world in terms of human reason rather than myth and tradition, thus can be said to be the first Greek humanists.'' -Wiki
I don't profess to know anything about blogs or what you are talking about, but if you have not picked a name, how about something with Socratic in it? Just a thought. all the best of luck with this....
The Past is Present? T'each Their Own? ^the apostrophe is intentional... I'm a big fan of turning things into acronyms, however, so "BSPh" is something I like which to me stands for "Broad Spectrum Philosophy" A little back story: When I was looking to name my new(est) blog, I couldn't think of anything that encompassed all that I intended to write about- which was largely my random dreams, and the short stories that would spring from such. So I thought, "What's always in my head?" well, stories, of course. And then, "Where do I put them?" and I thought, "On the back burner, duh!" And one random fun fact- I LOVE cars. So what's on the back end of cars, that could easily be straight, bent, curved, (or in my instance, weird and warped?)-- A fender! Somehow all of that thought processing led me to naming my blog "Fender Bent". So, you never know. You could be thinking something that leads you down a bizarre train that makes sense to you, and you only, and think, "That's a brilliant name for my blog site!" and tah-dah! There you have it =) I have full confidence you'll be able to concoct a meaningful yet edgy and catchy blog name. Full confidence. Happy Friday! My beer is empty =(
barcelonic, I don't want to sound discouraging, but if you want to set yourself up as an autority whose line of thoughts readers should follow, indecision will be a major stumbling block. You don't need to own a domain name to start a blog. You want to capture the audience with your writing? Then focus on the writing. Leave the pesky details of domain names and internet imagery for later, when you have reached your first goal, and in the mean time whip up a simple blog using a halfway decent layout template at one of the thousands of free providers. Name it whatever jumps to your mind first, e.g. "barcelonic's tiring tirades" or "indecisively humanistic" or whatever, blog titles neither need to be revolutionary nor deeply meaningful, they just need to be original. Put up a few articles, tell your friends and have them link back to your blog, voilá. Once you have managed to keep up the weekly stream of articles for half a year you can think about professionalism and pick a better name (though, perhaps, you may even find that your sloppy first-draft title has become like a brand that you want to keep) and set up your own domain.
Tis certainly a good idea to get some content first. But i've used Wordpress once before so I know if i keep it simple it's relatively user-friendly. And actually I should have said but the indecision i referred to is not a personal characteristic but a symptom of a medical condition. The hope is that in time by condition can improve, and then my cognitive impairments wouldn't be such an issue - but tbh my condition presents me with worse obstacles to progress than mere indecision lol. I'll decide on a name soon I'm sure, and a theme. I'll just probably dislike them once its up and running, whatever I choose, lol.
actually doesn't really want to think of it, would rather everyone else do it. So... anyonenamethis.com
Hi Barcelonic, I wouldn't bother worrying about the snappyness / brevity of the title / name. Snappyness is less important than something that attracts readers attention and tells them what the blog is about. For example my blog as a case in point to show the negatives is http://gregcurtisauthor.blogspot.co.nz/ As you can see it has absolutely no interest factor what so ever. If I was redoing it, I'd probably change the domain name to what is posted on the front of the blog - Greg's Fantastical Tales, something to grab some attention. Cheers, Greg.
I have a few more ideas i could use some feedback on... TheBetween.com NewDogsOldTricks.com YourTurnToThink.com TheBastillian.com ModernBastillian.com BastilleExaminer.com CraticIsm.com Any thoughts/questions anyone? Thanks,
Sorry, but I'm with kate. Given the nature of the site and your indecisiveness, I'd propose: ohtheirony.com