I need to write a piece (1200-1500 words) on the subject 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'. I am using this forum in the hope of brainstorming the idea to a greater number of people. Any ideas would be gratefully received. Thank you. Braveblue
So, you've come to us for homework help. That is a simple idea, that it is our prejudices and inclinations that define our attitudes and acceptance.
Also, crossposting? Very bad manners. https://www.writingforums.org/showthread.php?t=36524 Thought I wouldn't notice? You have 2 posts at the time of writing this, both asking the same question in two different places.
Succinctly put, Sasha - but I know what it's like to be rushing about near a deadline regarding homework, so I found this: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080104190242AA5CroQ Quite good answers actually. Better than I could have said. Good luck - but really, braveblue, you should have gone to Yahoo! Answers or similar in the first place... if you wanted help with the finer details of characters or plot in your work, we could help a lot more.
Beauty is in the eye . . . I know exactly what it means I was looking for ideas on a story that would illustrate the meaning. For example and mother with a baby with a deformity or a suicide bomber seeing beauty in destruction etc etc. Just wanted a few more ideas and to call on help but clearly this forum is full of self righteous individuals who get more pleasure in talking about rules of the forum like I had just committed a major crime. Get a life. I have made my first and last posts to this forum. Many thanks. Braveblue
This site is meant to help flesh out ideas you've already created, not to directly hand you the basic plot ideas. That's your job.
I thought those were great ideas... just me? :/ He didn't need our help after all... Oh well. Let's all get back to self-righting ourselves. (I must say, I felt a stab of pain at his reaction. But some people don't test the waters before trying to get a quick fix, even if they learn best from that. Then again, some are just trying to do their homework. We're a community, not an ideas box...)
I'm more amused that his reaction was, "What, you mean this community wasn't set up to cater to my every need? I'll show you -- I'm leaving!"