I was skipping through the channels today, and all of a sudden I stumble on an old favorite cartoon of mine from when I was little, "CatDog". Oh, it brought back so many memories.... So I got to thinking, does anybody else ever stumble across something from their childhood--a cartoon, a song, a TV show, anything really--and feel that happy flood of memories? I remember one of my favorite shows was Danny Phantom, and my absolute favorite character was the villian, Vlad Plasmius. He just caught my fancy, in a way. Of course, it didn't help that Vlad is a huge Packers fan, and that's largely incorporated into his character in the show (my favorite episode is "Bitter Reunions", because that's when we first meet him and see how much of a Packers fanatic he is...... I can relate. ). He was a villian with extraordinary power, but deep inside he just wanted his own family, somebody to love. (He's also a big Badgers fan, so I think he was written solely for my enjoyment. ) Hey Arnold! also brings back memories, as does Catscratch, Avatar, Zoboomafoo, the list can go on. Just wondered if anybody else had something like this they wanted to share.
In a bit of randomness, Billy Joel's "It's Still Rock and Roll To Me." Whenever I hear it, I distinctly recall all the times I played it over and over again via walkman and headphones, just bouncing around the room, jumping from bed to bed in some unexplained furor and delight. I must have been about 8 I suppose and still cannot fathom why I enjoyed the song so much.
I have really clear memories from about the age of three on, but one of the most powerful is evoked every time I hear The Beatles 'Get Back'. When I was 11, I went off on a sailing trip for five days with my two older cousins, who were over for a holiday to vist us in Malta. It was the first time we'd been allowed off in the boat alone overnight (I suppose, these days, my parents would have the Social Services down on them--my cousins were only 15 and 17). We moored offshore the first evening, jumped overboard, and swam in to the beach, where there was a small cafe. Just as we were getting in close, the group of kids there fired up 'Get Back', top volume, on the jukebox. The single had just come out, and the song sounded fabulously dangerous, with its driving beat and references to California, drugs and transvestites. Ever since, I can't hear it without seeing the lights shining out from the cafe, across the water, and feeling that heart-in-mouth excitement. It felt great to be nearly grown up, with so much fun ahead... I'm so happy and lucky that I grew up on such a beautiful island (6 years in Malta) and at such a fantastic time (late sixties) with parents who trusted me. 'Get Back' will always be the bridge between my childhood and teenage memories.
^ That is amazing. I love The Beatles, so I can definitely relate to loving that song (and every other one they all wrote.....).
Really odd, but my mom is a HUGE Sting's fan, and she would play "Desert Rose," and that song was pretty much ironed into my five-year-old mind, because it was always coming from the stereo and going through the house while she cooked dinner or something. Very bad-ass song, reflecting back on it.
Angry Beavers. If I ever see that cartoon on for some ungodly reason, it was canceled ages ago, I immediately think back to watching an episode or two right before football started. Something about watching then and then quickly switching over to see the Niners actually win, something that hasn't happened in a very long time, brings a smile to my face. Oh memories.
Awww Catdog was epic! Don’t get me started on show from the 90's, lol; I had this discussion a couple of days ago with a group of friends. Angry Beavers is another I miss and Mr Bumpy- the sock monster living under a kid’s bed, classic! Oh how good were the 90's for kids shows? And funny you should mention "Desert Rose" Hedgehog because I love that song!
X-Men. I used to tape that cartoon every Saturday...I had tapes and tapes and tapes of it. I miss those tapes...
I LOVED Cow & Chicken. I was also a big fan of Ed, Ed, and Eddy, the Fairly Odd Parents, the Rugrats (original, post-Kimi, AND teenager), and Hey! Arnold.
I get reminded of my childhood everytime I see anything pokemon, I've actually been watching the original series I grew up with lately Also, my mum and I would watch old/oldish movies together all the time, so if I ever watch Gigi or White Christmas, I get tons of old memories. Music wise? Old britney spears and all of those 90's boy bands oh, and anything on the Nintendo 64 and before. I miss the 90's O:
Man, I hated Scooby doo. I loved the old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoons though, back when they were good.
OH MY GOD!!! "Mama had a chicken, Mama had a cow, Daddy was proud, he didn't care how!" That cartoon was EPIC!!! Oh god, 90's cartoons were the absolute best. The 90's: Politically excellent (for the most part), excellent TV (mainly cartoons), musically except for Nirvana/The Beatles (finished songs "Free As A Bird", etc., solo albums), take it all back. Britney and *NSYNC disgusted me, and I was only born in '95, for god's sake. Take back most of the 2000s too. Pop = blech.
Little House on the Prairie and Dukes of Hazard re-runs. (I'm a child of the 80's.) And smokeless tobacco. And cheap beer and Winston or Marlboro cigarettes. And cornbread and fried rabbit or catfish. (Grew up in rural Alabama.) And hearing someone say, "Boy, I will go out there, break off a hickory switch, and beat you till the cows come home!" Well, actually I don't hear anyone say that nowadays... but if I did it would certainly remind me of my childhood.
Old toys that my grandma still has that I used to play with. They're my sister's now, but I still play with them. It's great!