I saw this trending on Facebook. All I can say is: HA! Just think, the foolish British public voted this wanker in. ¬.¬
Clever. At my writers' group meeting last night (ALL Yes voters...!) one guy said he thought Cameron was like a sci-fi monster, whose face looks like it's made of rubber and could easily be yanked off, to reveal the reptilian alien beneath. Um....
@Lemex : I think British Public has nobody left to vote for. Except for the Greens maybe? It's all a sham. @jannert : David Icke already said it...
@Lemex : Great minds... I agree he is reptilian, like most eatonites I know, but I just want to slap him. Slap, slap, slap. I'm really enjoying this thought experiment. Slap!
@Lemex : Slapping a smug eatonite 32 times in a row feels strangely...calming Yes, we need one for David Cameron, fo sho. @matwoolf : You can always critique his musical abilities ;D Although, I thought this rap was very well done