Hello! This is my first thread ever, and the first forum I have ever belonged too. Any helpful hints on how to get started and apart of the crew would be great
The best thing to do is read the rules...which I can't find at the moment. Typing in proper grammar and stuff like that is nice. this might help: https://www.writingforums.org/showthread.php?t=710 As you use the internet, things become second nature...just don't get banned - kicked from the site for doing stupid things (posting links to porn, or just being an ass in genral0 and you'll get to the ins and outs. Have fun and Welcome to the site!
A warm welcome to you, try reading your way around the site first of all, gain confidence in replying to that which you are most confortable and then maybe post some work of your own. You should find everyone here constructive in their criticism, and forthcoming in their praise. Good luck.
Hi Wizard. While you're surfing around this site just remember one thing...all rumours about me are absolutely without a doubt completely true!!!
hhhmmm ok then....... welcome and yes be very wary of max....he really does bite..... Have fun and enjoy yourself. Ari