What is the one thing that you are missing and would like to know more about to help you with your fiction writing?
I would like the ability to execute plot points more methodically. Generally, I only cross the plot point "bridge" when I get to it. Better outlines, I think, is what I need.
Well, it'd definitely be nice if ideas came at my convenience. Unfortunately, that's not the reality of things. : ) But I work with what I get.
I'd like to continue to improve in character development, using POV more effectively, developing a more unique voice, editing, and a whole host of other things if I thought about it longer. I think there is always room for improvement as far as skills go.
I would like to know how much review/re-telling of a first novel is necessary in the beginning of the second in a sequel.
There are so, so many things, but what I would really like is one bestseller behind me, so that I actually know how to go about writing one This way I feel I'm guessing at it all the time and I lose confidence way too easily...
I'd like a way to refer to a vagina in a non-derogatory, non-awkward manner. "Vagina" is too anatomical. "Pussy" and others like it are disgusting. That's really all I need.
Vulva? ;-) Okay that was pretty anatomical, too. Good idea though, for all body parts, in fact... "phallus" is also a rather impersonal word while "cock" is, again, too crude for some settings.
Confidence that my ideas and my ability to write are appreciated......Hmm, I think I just bared my soul.
The ability to finish a story I start. It drives me up the wall that I have a thumbdrive FULL of started ideas that get about four or five pages in and just...die. I have all these ideas, but they go faster than my ability to type or write, so I lose track of where I am in the writing versus where I am in the telling (in my head) and I lose focus, get frustrated and walk away. When I go to pick it up again at later date, I just sit there staring at it.
I wanna get sauced every night for a week and see which liquor had the biggest influence on my writing...
Thanks for all your comments. I'm working on putting together a blog-style website on creative writing to try and address some of the 'gaps' for writers so your suggestions are much appreciated! I'll post the link to the site when it's up and running!
I'd like a previously unknown and fabulously wealthy family member to die and leave me with a mountain of cash so I can spend more time writing stories and less time at work. Also, I'd like the talent to carefully weave profound philosophical messages into my work without coming across as too didactic.
i would like to ability to describe an environment/setting better...i generally focus on character dev and the storyline
I completely agree with you. I always have trouble describing things, probably because I rush through with the ideas first, and then I get lazy and don't want to go back to do the real work. Basically, I need a machine that will hook up to my brain so it can transfer into words the things I see in my head.
This happens to me too. I'd like to find a way to stop procrastinating and re reading what I've written.
Sex perhaps? Also I believe I've heard it called "secret sweetness" or some such in ASOIAF. Any way enough talk about vaginae (I had no idea that that was the plural until my spellchecker just told me.). To the OP I'd like to be able to develop more morally ambiguous and three dimensional characters. I also want to be able to convey subtle messages so that my readers have to use a bit of intuition.
Actually, "cock" is usually fine, I think. "Dick" is cruder than "cock" is. And you've got great alliteration with "flaccid phallus". Seriously, the vagina is the one thing you can't refer to just in a normal way. Calling it her "sex" is as annoying as referring to it as her "pink". I don't like metaphorical references. Metaphorical stuff is as bad as anatomical stuff for sex scenes, as far as I'm concerned.