I have a pretty good working knowledge of the game itself, but for a story I'm trying to work on I need a bit of info about the high school game - Pretty obscure stuff for a guy in the UK! What I really need is info/links to info regarding the structure of the game at this level. State championships etc, and also the process of going in to college (All Star games? The kid is hot sh*t) etc. Thinking of the Lebron James of the football world, if you will, and thought I'd put the request out here as well.
Oh, and I realise it varies a lot state-by-state - Would I be correct in assuming Texas is where you're most likely to get noticed? If so, Texas is where it'll be at. According to the Wiki article on this, they play NCAA rules but there's not much else!
I'm as ignorant as you are, however: http://homepages.cae.wisc.edu/~dwilson/rsfc/intro/johnson.shtml <here's a Q&A on rules http://football.about.com/od/footballrules/Football_Rules.htm <and here's a guide to various leagues and rules Crap, I used to have a friend on another forum who played football, but he went offline to deal with family issues and stuff. And I honestly don't know any other football players who could explain the rules to me. Huh.
I'm not too sure what you're asking. I'm from the US, and although I don't play it, and I wouldn't consider myself a huge fan, I can answer some questions.
In high school, state championships would be a big deal in states like Texas, Alabama, or Florida (big high school football states -- also Ohio to an extent). For All Star games I think you could go with High School All Americans, and I believe there's an UnderArmour all star game for high school football players though you should probably check that.
did you not notice that the question here was well over a year old?... and the op hasn't been around since [can tell by checking his other posts], so i doubt he'll ever see what you just wrote... fyi, the date of the post is shown right over the poster's name, so you can be sure you're replying to current topics...