I'm writing in a character who I want to look majestic and noble but also be terrifying and vicious. Think a 1/4 lion, a 1/4 shark and 1/2 human (thats not what it is but will give you the idea). Writing in the character i feel like the phrases noble and vicious are almost contradictory, can it be done?
Absolutely. A creature with an uncompromising moral code, but with the power and willingness to eviscerate someone who offends that morality on the spot, with a single swipe of his six inch claws.
In appearance yes, in character probably not. Unless this is the Fable video game series...in which case, you're just a town away from being worshipped to being feared.
I'm not sure how you mean that, but I'd say yes. "Noble" seems to be more related to the appearance and demeanour (as in, a regal bearing), whilst vicious is more a matter of personality and character. The two seem perfectly compatible to me. Actually it's probably more interesting to have a creature noble in appearance that ends up being vicious. A little like the devil having the face of an angel.
I think that the problem is with "vicious"; it has a vibe not just of willingness to harm, but a sadistic eagerness to harm. *Maybe ruthless, ferocious, fierce, something else?
Yes, I think that being noble is not just based on appearance, demeanor, morality etc. In epic fantasy being noble is often a birthright to the nobility and as such, characters are raised to be (and looked at) as nobles (hence the name I guess.) Even a vicious tyrant can be noble, even if their actions aren't exactly 'moral.'
They make great characters. The villain who carries a chopped up dead body in a bag across a road but halts to help the old lady across. The mass murderer who makes sure he's never late picking his kid up from school. If you look into the histories of some of the mafia's most notorious murderers, they're a lot like that. That's where SOPRANOS comes from.
Ferocious! That's the word I was looking for, to replace vicious while eliminating the sadistic, depraved aspect. (Oh. I already said. Well, it's my pick.)
All I can think is of Game of Thrones -- there are tons of characters who are both regal and vicious & manipulative -- spefically Danenerys/Khaleesi/Mother of Dragons, Queen Regent Ceresy, etc. etc. Mostly the female characters.
Hi, I think it depends on how you define noble and vicious. If by nobility you simply mean of blue blooded demeanour, kingly or that sort of thing, no problem. There have been many tyrant kings. But often nobility is mixed up with concepts of chivalry and doing the proper thing. Think knights. For them to be vicious means going against their noble code. Still there is always the black knight I suppose. For vicious instead you might mean deadly or frightening instead, in which case even the most noble of knights could be that. But not cruel or sadistic. Cheers, Greg.
Hi, Oh and Game of Thrones befor I forget. Great show, great books. But I think one element of it is that these people are not truly noble in any respect, save in the end maybe for the bastard son Snow. They are pretty much all shown to be evil and petty and manipulative, and never idols to be celebrated. They don't have feet of clay, its damned near their entire bodies. Cheers, Greg.
Dragons are often both noble and vicious. Regal in bearing, and wise, but deadly on a grand scale when riled.
i was thinking the same thing but my mind actually jumped straight to Joffery or any other Lannister character