I have sat down this evening and *attempted* to write a decent press release for my book. I have not done one before, I have naturally Googled how to do it and knocked a basic one up already based on what I read. Would one of you more knowledgeable folk be prepared to take a look at it over PM, correct any grammatical howlers and make any suggestions how it may be improved please? I am sure one of you guys has done press releases in the past.
press release I would be happy to help. This is something of which I've had some experience, being a communications major. A little rusty though. Still, if you need me, let me know.
Pr Manny, how did you get on with writing your press release? I understand what you mean when you say it's hard work - I found that when writing the 'blurb' for my book, but I must admit I used a publisher's comments and twisted it to write into my own style. Not everyone has the 'cheat' way though. The secret is to review the work as if it is NOT your own. It's so hard to write about your own work...
Really thats what I found. One can write in the third person, but I had similar problems writing the back cover. What does one focus on, what does one hype up, etc. I think it is quite draining after writing the book, then the marketing slog starts, the back cover, press releases, various media hyping everywhere. Its quite time consuming and arguably harder than the book itself. I just did a half dozen paragraphs, hopefully Maddie will tidy it up a bit and there will be space for a second opinion then if anyone else wants to cast an eye over it? It may well be lost amongst the three million others drifting around in cyberspace, but one should make an effort I feel.
as a former highly paid writing consultant, i've written many and still i do this for people all the time [for free, now], for all kinds of things and will be happy to help you turn out a good one... drop me an email any time... love and hugs, maia maia3maia@hotmail.com