I had a ereader for christmas to save space as I buy a lot of books. I really love going to the library though and just taking a chance on a random book. I would love to know if Its possible to borrow books from the library on a e reader?
That is an interesting question. You may well have to ask you local public library. I have to imagine that the answer is going to depend on that library's technological capabilities so the answer for one library may not hold up in all cases. Sounds like a good reason to go and chat up your local librarian.
I think the answer depends on the libary. But, I can see this being the next big step in libaries. Being able to sign out books with your e-reader could elimate late fines, bring more people to literacture, and reduce or elimanate dmages to books because of vandals.
Every library has different resources. It's no use asking us about something local when we're from all over the world.
I suspect the licensing agreement for e-book use would make library loans impossible to do legally. But I really don't know for certain.
Unless they could somehow make it so that the files automatically delete themselves after so long of a time. Perhaps have it linked to a password protected site on the internet. Maybe give your username access to it for a week, then remove access. But then- you'd have to be connected to the internet to read the damn thing...
I can’t see how it would work either. With books, only one person can borrow the book at once. But if there were e-books then thousands of people could borrow them for free, all at the same time. There’d be no need to buy books anymore.