So, an important (although not lead) character wants to die. He has more than enough reasons, betraying his (evil) crush who then got killed off being just the last drop. He's a nice but weak character who just needs a hug but instead only got Kick The Dog from the villain he loves. The problem is I just can't find him a fitting suicide method. I'm extremely picky with character deaths. - He should be found so he can't jump overboard (he's on a ship) - And he's also terribly afraid of hanging - the main reason the villain could blackmail him. - It shouldn't be too gory. Blood is ok, brains is right out. - It should be the end of a vision sequence, much like BSOD songs in darker musicals - tension grows, sanity slips and then at a point he will end it, preferably quickly. - So he can't use slow methods either... I feel in a catch 22.
hydrogen cyanide comes to mind. What year is this makes a difference about how it could be obtained? Another one would be an halucenogenic (sp??) drug then the vision sequence etc could be part of it.
What about playing "funny bunny"? Or what about too much helium? I heard you can die from that. But perhaps that's a little too comedic for the scene. A shot to the head would do the trick. It would be a very quick death. However, this would only work if there was a gun available. Depending on the type of ship he's on, he could also jump from a very high point.
I still vote for poison then arsenic or cyanide are chosen so frequently because they were so easy to get hold of for medicinal or rat poision uses. Electrical is out and unless he slits his wrists the weapon option is very nightmarish and hit and miss. Or depending on where they travelled you could pick a drug local to that area.
Poison is either slow or messy. And they're blockading Netherlands. I said blood is ok. Just no guts and brains.
Drowning himself in a bathtub, suffocation (small enclosed space? pillow?), slitting wrists or throat, falling on/stabbing self with sword/dagger. I don't know, just imagine yourself as your character ... what would you do?
what about drowning himself in an ale barrel? Tobacco is another method of poison use enough of it and you are unconscious almost instantly and dead with at most 15 minutes. Depending on the period of drama would depend how available it would be.# Without knowing which period its difficult to know what is available to him on the ship or the design of ship
This is why it's in your best interest to think up your own plot elements. This is a key constraint you failed to bring up. You have many constraints, and no one but you knows the story or your parameters of acceptance as well as you do. Why not just let your mind work on it in the background while you do something else on this or another story?
Have him fall on his sword. Or dagger or big kitchen knife. It's a kind of heroic suicide, a soldier's suicide.
If it was modern, I'd say walking in front of a large vehicle. Can he jump from a high altitude into a street? It'd be bloody but if it isn't TOO high, it shouldn't be too "splatty," just enough to kill him. (Sorry if this wouldn't work based on your restrictions)
Well, old ships have masts and more modern old ships have big ole funnels. Plenty to fall off, in fact - if it was big enough, one deck to the next would do the trip. Also, if he's having a vision sequence before that you could tie it in pretty awesomely with his location since it's all outside with plenty to climb on and stuff. Only problem would be clearing the way for him to do it if you don't want too many other characters around.
Ha ha, clearing the way. If it is an old ship with a mast, there are lots of opportunities for things to get in the way. Ropes, sails, etc, etc. From a high enough height, it would still be painful, if not deadly.
How about alcohol poisoning...too much booze, goes into a coma. Maybe do it in a tub, falls unconscious and drowns.
So, he wants to die but he couldn't because he is weak. But he suffers from psychological trauma because of the blackmail, his rejected love, and all the thoughts of wanting to die. Absent-mindedness could be one reason for his death..... may be he fells down a stairway, or run over by a horse drawn carriage or motor vehicle (whichever applies according to the period).
I say poison. Yes it's slow, but you could use that time to make it more intense. It sounds like you want the hallucinating to happen before he decides to kill himself, but consider hallucinating as he's waiting to die. It could be really powerful. Of course he could just find a vampire and slit his wrist in front of it. They keep those on board, right?
Poison may not necessarily be slow. A high dose of cyanide can lead to a quick death, as it prevents cells from using oxygen and thus you suffocate to death. Suffocation doesn't take all that long. Hemlock may only take 15 minutes before symptoms arise.
Suicide is never pleasant. The human body has an inbuilt instinct to survive. eg. No matter how strong a death wish may be it is virtually impossible to hold your own head under water, suffocate yourself with a pillow etc. if you try to do this your inbuilt instinct to live would kick in and override any thoughts of your mind. I do not think your problem is a catch 22 one. I think you are placing to many restrictions on your piece.
Yeah kind of, also you could always just pick a fight with that muscle biker guy at the bar who you know could snap you in two without any effort or remorse.
precisely Cog he can't set up a duel with a gun but he could do one with a knife or 'go mad' anyone in that position would probably have been killed and thrown overboard of it was felt they posed a danger. Naturally still depends on which period the drama is set in.