every night now for the pas couple of weeks i have been taking hours to fall alseep on a night, just lying awake, staring at the ceiling, wishing sleep would come. and then, when i finally get to sleep, i have been waking up at between half 5 and 6 'o' clock, every morning!! it is driving me mental. so that is why, at not even 7 'o' clock, i am posting this, to occupy my time.
Or a mallet to the head. But that might not be healthy either. But you might subconciously be stressed about something. If you are stressed or upset, it can lead to odd sleep patterns. They aren't very fun. It happens to me everynow and then too!
lol, i hate stress then. i never know when i am streesed, people just tell me i am. and yea, i tihnk chloroform might just do the trick.
I know what you mean heather. I too cannot sleep much lately. I go to bed around 3 - 4am and then waist a whole morning because its like 11am - 12pm when i emerge. I am blaming summer for my condition it gets rather humid
Heather I know what you are going through. I never sleep either, except that week I was away and yeah lol But seriously I only get a few hours sleep a night and can't find anything to cure it. I don't resort to pills cause I DO NOT TAKE PILLS AT ALL! when I move out of this town I am sure I will sleep better. This town is my main stress to be honest!!!
I'm currently listening to Trouble Sleeping by Corinne Bailey Rae... but I've been having a hard time sleeping as well. I need to chill out with some aroma candles, relaxing music, and finally get a full night of sleep instead of my fragmented rest.
yea, my neither. every time i got to swallow on my throat closes up and i choke. so i take disolavble painkillers, and i only take those when i am in agony. and thanks for the suggestions guys. Nick said earlier i should try drinking some hot choccie before i go to sleep, 'cos recently i been drinking tea n it is meant to keep ya awake.
well, i cant rally help u on getting to sleep, i have quite the sleeping troubles myself, especially having not slept for well over a week, but for me the only way i can seriously get myself to sleep is to consume very very large amounts of caffeine, caffeine does the opposite to me than it does to most ppl, it will put me to sleep, it tires me out, it never even wakes me up, so yea, idk how u r with caffiene, but try consuuming a large amount of it, maybe it wil tire u out too lol good luck with sleeping
lol, thanks for the suggestion darling. i will try no caffine tonight, and if that don't help then I'll try lots of it
well, i had a good nights sleep last night. although it took my over an hour ot fal asleep, i woke up at like 11 this morning so that's a good ten hours. hurray for me