How does it work? Do I capitalize every major word, or do I capitalize each letter of each word? Here's the title I'm working with for an informative article: Pro DIY Room Decorating Tips: Give Any Room Dept and Character with Area Rugs. Is this the correct way to display this title?
Yes, that is correct to me. But you can delete "Give Any Room" phrase... we already know we are talking about room here from the first part.
Yes, that's correct. There are some exceptions as to when certain words that normally wouldn't be capitalized are capitalized, so you may want to look up the rules for that. Also, just so you know, the rules are a bit different for Chicago and AP styles.
Thank you...I've changed it to this. Pro DIY Room Decorating Tips: Add Dept and Character with Area Rugs.
yes, the word should be 'depth' since 'dept' isn't a word... that said, 'depth' doesn't really make any sense in re the use of area rugs... i'd strongly suggest using only 'character' as your title is way too long already... i don't see why 'DIY' is needed, either... or 'room'... it's a give, as what else could you be referring to?