A bit unsure of how this should go: No longer was the adage of 'he who has the gold maketh the rules' fully true. It was... Should 'he....' be 'He' or have I done it right keeping it lower case?
if it's a full sentence, it must start with a capital... if the first word of the quoted sentence has been skipped, you would start with an ellipsis, to show the elision, then continue with lower case... and if you're not a brit, the quotation marks should be doubles [" "], not singles [' ']...
Ok thanks. If there is dialogue etc that's a double speech mark as well though right? Or is that only in Brit books?
US rule is to use " " for dialog and all other quoted wordings, and ' ' only for a quote within a quote... the old UK rule used to be the reverse, but nowadays, the US system seems to be gaining on it there...