Shown below, relaxing in lazy comfort, is one quadruped who responds (at times) to the name Luna. The cat belongs to my daughter, and yesterday, while I was visiting at my daughter's apartment, we were throwing out the final boxes and trash left over from Christmas. After that, we ran some errands and returned home a couple of hours later to make dinner. No one could find the cat. After searching every corner of the apartment, someone remembered seeing the cat playing in the boxes by the front door earlier that day. We head downstairs, stomp across the snow to the nearest dumpster, and look inside. One of the boxes we'd thrown away was open and on its side. A closer inspection revealed the reflection of two small eyes from the corner of the dumpster. I climbed inside and hauled Luna from the darkness, covering my fingers in the ketchup that had somehow got on the cat's fur. The cat was unharmed, except perhaps for her dignity. She promptly ignored everyone upon being returned to the apartment, gave herself a bath, and went to sleep. Everyone was happy to see her back safe from her adventures.
What a cutie. How can one not notice something heavy and/or moving still in a pile of Christmas present debris? I'd have been checking for a missed treasure.
She's pretty small. She must have been stock-still, however, because I'm sure a moving animal would have been noticed. The boxes had crumpled papers and bits of other boxes and contained crammed into them, and were carried out a handful at the time, so I guess the added weight went unnoticed. In addition to not moving, she must not have made a peep. I wonder if she was asleep
I'm glad you found her. She reminds me of one of the cats we used to have when I was growing up (black and cute).
Cropped just below the chair legs, the lighting and composition in the photo is superb. With the contrast of the chair legs, it's excellent as well. Not sure which I like better.
Right? It's one those kitty moments that happen often, but almost never when there's a camera at hand!
I love the camera on my Lumia 920. Nokia makes some nice phones The cat is black, but the way the sunlight is coming in through her fur, the color looks more burgundy.