Directions: (You MUST look at these, or you'll be confused (unless you've played this before)) You must change the first word listed, to the last word listed by using the clues given. Starred (*) ones cannot be looked up by simply searching on Google or Reference Dictionary. Here's an example of the setup of one: COLD ---- Grasp * ---- Grasped * ---- Face * HEAT Ending Result: COLD HOLD HELD HEAD HEAT Also, submit your own. Remember to make it challenging. Here's one of mine: (it may be hard) HOG --- A gardening coat --- Something that sticks out in the front of your foot --- Something a man might wear to an interview * --- A delicious pastry PIG HINT: Remember that you can work any which way. If you find one that you're sure you know, fill it in, and then fill the rest in.
Hoe was wrong. But that was an alternate way to get it, but the answer for the first word is Tog (yeah, I admit, that was hard)