Sometimes rarely, I start writing short stories on Microsoft Word but when I get up to finishing the synopsis, I always start the first chapter like this; 'Chapter 1, In a land, a named.. -------------- lived In a golden aged city' than I try to describe the known main character, or character I would like some great adjectives to describe my characters, I want something a bit more ancient, not like giant or big I want something more 'creative' I guess. and, I have some good naming, but most of them aren't good. Just a short question, but may be hard to anwser.
you can check the character development section of the forums, couple of threads there about names as for adjectives are you looking for character description or describing appearance? as its not clear which you mean, plus they depend on how your character is
Thanks for the small advice for a bit more help at naming, I still need help with the describing part, and yes I do mean a character description for characters I create In my story, here a short example of words; Brave, Rensponsible, or Fit to beat a Brute, but I use some of these describing words for my characters, but I want more, creative smart words to describe my characters.
check or (thesaurus section) and type the adjective you want and you get words you can use that have same meaning
Don't open with description. Description is static, and not even particularly necessary. Begin with something happening - a conversation, a minor crisis, a major emergency, something. The main thing is to get the story rolling, and your character responding to something.
A great tip if you're typing a story is to keep open in your browser. I can't tell you how many times I've gone there and found good adjectives to describe simple situations! The OED is also a helpful tool, if you have access to it. J.A.K. O.U.T.
bimber and jak... as one who has mentored thousands of new writers over the past dozen years and seen the sad results of doing what you say, i always counsel beginners to lock up their thesaurus till they don't need one... what should be kept handy is a good dictionary and punctuation guide, along with a 4th ed. s&W... see my full 'tools of the trade' list in a sticky down at the 'word mechanics' section..