Since you can only choose these two writing styles, which one do you think would interest you the most?
Plot-driven is not the same thing as action-driven. Use whatever basis works best for your particular story. Maybe you started with a scenario (implying a plot or plot network), or maybe you started with characters with different world views.
Both, when used skillfully, can drive a story right on along despite weak plots. What makes a lot of bestselling author's big names is the ability to captivate their reader, and plot isn't always what does that. For some demographics, action-driven stories captivate them. Others find character-driven stories to captivate them. I tend to believe in a mix of both. How much action vs character is something each writer needs to find on their own. Not to belittle plot either.
Ya I agreed. Most of my stories are character driven, but their plots are action driven. Learning about the characters and reading what action they take drives the story. This is also used in movies and sometimes in video games.
Actions are driven by the characters. Characters are driven by the action. Writers love semantics Just write the story/novel and figure it out later
I am of the "school of character-driven creative writing," so to speak. I'd much rather watch a film with a cliched plot and brilliant characters than vice versa. That's just me, though.
Plot/Character driven. A lot of books I've read got my attention because I cared about the character. If I can't relate to the character or they're too gimmicky or just flat as paper in terms of portrayed personality...I can't read the story.
The two aren't mutually exclusive. However, I do somewhat lean more towards character-driver stories. Perhaps because I find most plots boring and stupid, anyways, and it's hard to impress me with anything.
Don't matter how good the plot is. If I cannot relate to the characters emotionally, I'm unlikely to ever read through the story (or remember it for that matter).
Why choose? Character is very important. So is pace, and that is driven/modulated by the action. You can't focus on one aspect exclusively. You must balance it all.
As a writer of thrillers I have to say that I believe a thriller that is not ultimately plot driven can be very hard work to read. That said if the central characters of a thriller are neither likeable, feared, loathed or loved then most readers will quickly tire
MilesTro i don't understand. in the OP you said "Since you can only choose these two writing styles" and than you say later "Most of my stories are character driven, but their plots are action driven."... which is BOTH right!? #confusing