1. Commandante Lemming

    Commandante Lemming Contributor Contributor

    May 8, 2014
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    Washington, DC, USA

    Character who is "blackout" drunk

    Discussion in 'Research' started by Commandante Lemming, Jan 27, 2015.

    I'm writing a character who has a pretty severe alcohol problem but don't have a ton of personal experience around people who drink to excess - I can write the character drunk (or hung over) but trying to figure out how to write her when she's "blackout" drunk to the point where she's not going to remember the scene. Specifically I'm trying to figure out how much of her conscious decision-making ability she would have. My villain is going to reveal some menacing details knowing that my alcoholic won't remember, and I'm debating whether the drunk would, in theory, have enough presence of mind to tape the conversation on her cell phone.
  2. MattyDean

    MattyDean Active Member

    Dec 22, 2014
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    She wouldn't. That's sort of the key to being 'blackout'. If you have any presence of mind whatsoever, you're not really blackout drunk.
    Any links between memory and the next day would be purely accidental. Like, perhaps she *accidentally* hit the app that records conversations when she was fumbling around with it.
    There could be less clumsy ways of doing this, too. That's just a quick idea.

    Think of a real blackout episode like being a true zombie. The lights are on, but no one's home. You're still mobile, somehow, but not cogent at all. You could almost compare it with a possession of some sort, if you're spiritually inclined (most who drink so heavily aren't).
    Commandante Lemming and kfmiller like this.
  3. Lea`Brooks

    Lea`Brooks Contributor Contributor

    May 11, 2013
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    Virginia, United States
    When I was a teenager, I got pretty rowdy sometimes. But there's only one time I've ever blacked out. lol

    I had just broken up with my boyfriend of a year and a half. He wasn't good to me so I had no choice, but I still missed him. I went on a float trip with a bunch of my friends in an attempt to have a good time and forget about him. We started early. I packed a cooler full of liquor. I put my cigarettes in a plastic protection thing and tied it to my raft. I ate entirely too many Everclear Jell-O shots. lol

    Then it happened. One minute, I'm sitting in my raft, watching my friend kiss her boyfriend. Then next things know, I'm standing on the beach, crying hysterically, with a cigarette in my hand. I was surrounded by people telling me to forget my ex, he wasn't worth it. They were all trying to light my cigarette but their hands were wet and the lighters weren't working. I finally looked at the cigarette and realized it wasn't my brand. So I asked, "Who gave me this?" Someone took ownership of it. They said I told them I didn't know where mine were. Without missing a beat, I said, "But mine are right there," and I pointed to where I had tied them on my raft.

    So see? When your blackout drunk, you lose all state of mind. lol When I was awake and functioning, I knew where my cigarettes were. But when I had blacked out, I had no idea where they had gone. I had also allowed myself to cry, hysterically, in front of a bunch of people that have never seen me cry before. I'm an introvert. I don't like when people can tell I'm upset. I don't like that kind of attention. But when I blacked out, any barrier I had just went down, and I lost it.

    Hope that helps a wee bit!
    Commandante Lemming likes this.
  4. kfmiller

    kfmiller Active Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Cincinnati, OH
    Agree with @MattyDean

    Many alcoholics or people with alcohol problems don't necessarily get blackout drunk. I think you could still have your character have those problems- but if she needs to be more coherent to be able to record something then don't make the character blackout.

    It's hard enough when you're very drunk to have the presence of mind to think, "hey I should record this! let me get out my phone, okay got it, now I'm entering my pass code, okay... okay now I'm hitting record." it would probably go more like, "Ohh shit's going down! I should *knocks something over trying to get phone, laughs hysterically and forgets what they were doing in the first place*."
    Commandante Lemming likes this.
  5. KaTrian

    KaTrian A foolish little beast. Contributor

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Alcoholics seem to develop some kind of tolerance to the effects of alcohol over time and while e.g. years spent as an alcoholic would feel like a haze, I doubt your guy could count on the drunk not remembering anything. This'd be a plot twist I probably wouldn't buy 'cause it feels a bit stupid, to be honest, for this villain to spill secrets and think "she won't remember them anyway so what the hell."
  6. MattyDean

    MattyDean Active Member

    Dec 22, 2014
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    I've battled with alcoholism for quite a while now, and I can honestly say that you do not overcome the blackout. You assuredly can count on a certain amount of alcohol completely obliterating memory. It depends on your tolerance, for sure, but at a certain point, if you're blacked out, you're gone.

    Example: I tend to drink anywhere from 10-12 beers daily. If I kick that up to eighteen to twenty drinks, I might just get extra drunk, but most likely I'll just go to sleep. Once in a while, though, I'll maintain my physical abilities but my mental faculties are so gone, I might as well be sleeping.
    It is after these periods where I'll find myself in a town I don't recognize in the bed of a stranger under most favorable conditions. If I'm less lucky, I'll rouse to find I'm drenched in gutter water.

    One time, I broke into a mobile home and fell asleep in the owner's bathroom. My friends were calling my phone hysterically, and the owner and his wife answered to tell them where I was. They were much nicer than they needed to be. Apparently, I had just lit a bottle rocket from my mouth, got scared when I thought I heard sirens and ran.

    I hope that helps some!
  7. Lea`Brooks

    Lea`Brooks Contributor Contributor

    May 11, 2013
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    Virginia, United States
    I knew a girl once where every time she drank, she'd black out. So it really depends on the person.

    As for revealing details hoping she wouldn't remember, I don't see that being a problem. My mom is an alcoholic. She's drank from noon until bedtime every day for as long as I can remember. She can normally function properly when she's just "casually" drinking, as she calls it. But when she decides she wants to get really turned up, she drinks a lot more. And believe it or not, a fifty year old woman who's been drinking every day since her youth doesn't have very good tolerance. And I can see it when she gets so drunk that she's going to do or say something stupid.

    It's like, one minute, she's functioning, no big deal. Then all of the sudden, her eyes glaze over. It's like you can hear the click taking her from drunk to stupid drunk. It's at that point that I know it's time to go. So I'm sure it's very apparent in the eyes and mannerisms of an alcoholic if they are in a blackout state or not.
    Commandante Lemming likes this.
  8. Fitzroy Zeph

    Fitzroy Zeph Contributor Contributor

    Nov 7, 2013
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    I've witnessed alcohol abuse through its many facets. @MattyDean describes it quite well. Some people have a higher propensity for blackouts than others. Some will tend to blackout more if they drink faster than what is normal to them. And they can blackout for extended periods of time if they are on a real bender, but I doubt any of them know they are in the midst of a blackout as it's occurring. As a side note, I can't think of a more depressing subject to write about than abusive alcoholism.
    Commandante Lemming and kfmiller like this.
  9. Catrin Lewis

    Catrin Lewis Contributor Contributor Community Volunteer Contest Winner 2023

    Jan 28, 2014
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    One thing: If your drunk character appears to be functioning (even if she's hysterical as in @Lea Brooks' experience), it's doubtful your bad guy will disclose his plans in front of her.

    Bad Guy: You're too drunk to remember I said this, my dear, but someday, I'm going to kill you! Bwhahahahahahahahhaah!!!!!!
    Blacked-Out-but-Functioning Drunk: O rly? Would you like to repeat that into my smartphone?
    Bad Guy: On second thought . . . *Blam!*

    I wouldn't buy it. But if she appears to be unconscious, passed out on a bed, maybe . . .

    My one experience of being blackout drunk: In college, I came home from a party where I'd had entirely too much. Remember getting on the elevator in the dorm lobby. Next thing I know, I'm lying on my back in the dark corridor outside my room. "I'm fine where I am, thank you, I'm staying here." Then thinking, "No, if the security guards [fellow-students who patrolled the dorm all night making sure everything was ok] find you here, they'll write you up in the Book." [If you wanted to read some hilariously creative-- and embarrassing-- writing, you dipped into the dorm security log]. I made myself get up and go in.

    You might be able to do something with that prostrate state when she's coming out of it but hasn't the motivation yet to get up. Maybe she's trying to text a friend to come get her. On my Android if your finger slips off the M it starts to record. The bad guy might be talking about his plans out in the hallway, maybe. He doesn't see she has her phone out; she's vaguely aware of his words but they're just background babble.

    If you do it right, your readers will believe she was unaware she'd recorded the plot, especially if she never gets through to her friend and passes out once more.

    Why do I think so? The morning after that drunken evening I awoke to find that the photo prints I'd left in piles on my bed when I left for the party were back in their proper envelopes and stacked neatly on my desk. My roommate sure as heck didn't do it for me. I must have done it after I picked myself up from the hall floor, but I don't remember it at all.

    AMENDMENT: It occurs to me that it the recording might not be saved if she doesn't actually send it to the friend. I've never tried it on purpose, myself. Though would it hurt if the friend doesn't bother to listen to it but keeps it? How is your character going to discover/remember the recording exists?

    AMENDMENT No. 2: Upon experimenting, I find that recording thing enables me to enter the text text without having to type it in and there's no audio playback involved. Shows you how long I've had the dumb-- I mean, smartphone! :oops:
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2015
    Commandante Lemming likes this.
  10. Commandante Lemming

    Commandante Lemming Contributor Contributor

    May 8, 2014
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    Thanks for all the input! Especially some of personal experience stories...wow.

    I figured the way I thought of it wasn't going to work (seeing as it was a lightbulb that went off this morning before I had my coffee) but needed to construct what COULD work.

    For what it's worth, the bits of research I've done on alcoholics (including the real-life celebrity on which the character is based), a major motivation for them to quit is the increasing number of blackouts they experience. So I knew I was going to have to write at least one blackout sequence. Then I figured maybe I could re-purpose one of those blackouts to show that my villain (this character's long-time boss), has been encouraging and manipulating her alcoholism...because said boss realizes that this person would be a major professional threat if they stayed sober. So I'm not dropping hard details of some dastardly plot, but I was thinking more like both characters are in their offices really late at night for some reason, boss finds character drunk to a point where she's obviously at blackout stage, and says something to the effect of "You know, I always thought beating you down was going to be a lot harder than this, but you came through better than I ever expected." *pours self a glass from open whiskey bottle and shoots it* "Cheers, you pathetic lush."

    Actually I could probably do that with the character passed out - but it might be more effective if she's minimally conscious. Will think on it - and debate how to ensure it gets taped.

    Also - since someone said this is a depressing thing to write about - it's actually a side character arc. The villain's eventual loss of control over the (suddenly sober) alcoholic side character is what shifts the balance of power in favor of my protagonist.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2015
    Catrin Lewis and Lea`Brooks like this.
  11. J Faceless

    J Faceless Active Member

    Jul 10, 2014
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    New England
    As someone who used to blackout constantly, sometimes it feels like its no longer you. Its the alcohol talking. "Oh my god you're so stupid!" Said the alcohol, to his friends baby. After a binge you wake up trying to piece together what you messed up last night. I never totally forgot everything, there was always bits and pieces, and usually there were a few people (who at that time i thought were my friends) who loved regaling me in stories of my fiendish exploits. Then you spend the next few hours trying to repair the social relationships that you ruined, and if its real bad you probably start drinking again so you don't have to worry about.
    The biggest part for me was waking up (hopefully in my bed) and staring at the ceiling trying to figure out what I did wrong the night before. There was always something. I don't have those mornings anymore, and especially after a social night where people don't hate you or have a thousand stories you don't remember is a great feeling.
    Also if somebody said something to me like what you have the boss saying, i would absolutely remember it. If i comprehended it that is. Big things are hard to forget, unless there is tequila, then all bets are off.
  12. Commandante Lemming

    Commandante Lemming Contributor Contributor

    May 8, 2014
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    Washington, DC, USA
    Actually it's quite possible that there is tequila strangely enough - the character usually drinks Scotch and rarely drinks at the office, but I've previously established that she keeps a bottle of really expensive tequila in her desk "for emergencies."
  13. GingerCoffee

    GingerCoffee Web Surfer Girl Contributor

    Mar 3, 2013
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    Ralph's side of the island.
    People who are drunk to the point of not remembering the next day are still on their feet and moving. They get in fights, break down doors, get behind the wheel and put the key in, start the car. They are not unconscious.

    As far as fleeting moments of rational decision making, I don't see why it couldn't happen. But to make it realistic you could make the recording a lucky mistake like, the person could try to make a call and end up reaching a message machine but not hang up. There are a number of lucky event scenarios that drunken behavior could result in.
    Commandante Lemming likes this.
  14. The Sun

    The Sun New Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Just some advice-don't make it a lucky mistake. That's the worst thing you can do in storytelling, deus ex machina. It kills all the dramatic tension you've generated. As my drama teacher would say, a lucky mistake or coincidence is great for starting a story, but but a dramatically satisfying plot hinges on two opposing and competent forces fighting until one wins, preferable with some sort of recognition/reversal.
  15. Commandante Lemming

    Commandante Lemming Contributor Contributor

    May 8, 2014
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    Washington, DC, USA
    Working to find a middle ground actually - especially for this character. That's where the original idea came from of her having just enough strength to recognize that she is, in fact, as drunk as her boss thinks she is, and that she might want this information in the morning. Still it's a bit of a reach there. Will work on it.
  16. Robert_S

    Robert_S Senior Member

    Aug 25, 2013
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    Someone who is blackout drunk is not going to have any recollection or even much control over their body. The whole world, what they can remember of it, is a rapid moving blur.

    My first time I got drunk, I was thrown in the bathroom to puke and when I tried to leave, the doorknob just kept moving randomly and faster than I could catch it. It didn't even look like a doorknob, just a black spot in my view. I only knew it was a doorknob from years of living in that house.
  17. Chinspinner

    Chinspinner Contributor Contributor

    Oct 15, 2011
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    Exactly this. I am quite a binge-drinker and in my past I have had too many mornings like this.
  18. EllBeEss

    EllBeEss Senior Member

    Aug 24, 2013
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    I've only been blackout drunk twice and I highly doubt I would have been able to unlock my phone let alone make a recording on it. The last thing I remember before the last time I was blackout drunk is completely struggling to open what I thought was a sliding door. I was still pretty mobile but there is no way it would have occurred to me to start recording things.

    Is your character suspicious of anyone while drunk at this point? You might be able to work in her recording either something she thinks is suspicious or a memo for herself in the morning (I've done this in the past to stop myself from forgetting things that happen while drunk), leaving the recording on, falling over/passing out in the next 20 or so minutes and the recording catches the villain's revelation at the end. Iphone 4s can take a video or voice recordings around 30 minutes in length.

    Personally I would prefer to read about a character who is already suspicious and validates their suspicions by mistake than a character who is just going along their business and discovers the plot by mistake.
  19. BayView

    BayView Huh. Interesting. Contributor

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I forget things after only moderate drinking. Now, usually I can piece it together if someone prompts me the next day... Oh, yeah, I kind of remember that... but not always. And this is, seriously, after moderate drinking. I'm still functioning fine, playing cards, ordering drinks, giving correct change to pay my bar tab, taking cabs home with no issues, making myself a bedtime snack without setting the house on fire, etc. Walking, talking, functioning fine. And then the next day? Huge gaps in my memory. Who was at the bar, do I owe anyone money, how'd I get home, who ate all the bread, etc.

    But do you want your character to be idiosyncratic like that, or more typical?
  20. Commandante Lemming

    Commandante Lemming Contributor Contributor

    May 8, 2014
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    Washington, DC, USA
    I do think she'd be suspicious or at least angry beforehand...Madison (my alcoholic reporter) knows her editor is psychotic, she's just resigned to her situation and drinks heavily as a coping mechanism. Her editor Priscilla is in the process of wearing down another new reporter same as she did to Madison ten years earlier, so the stress of seeing her own youth replayed with a new victim is really getting to her at this point.
  21. Chinspinner

    Chinspinner Contributor Contributor

    Oct 15, 2011
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    [​IMG] http://
  22. kfmiller

    kfmiller Active Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Cincinnati, OH
    @Chinspinner - WHY?!

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