A few time while writing I've had in mind a direction for the conversation to head in. And then while writing I'll find its heading in another, usualy because it fit the characters more naturaly. Sometimes I change it back; others I leave it. I just wondered if anyone else had this happen?
It happens to everyone. Characters gain a life of their own that you didn't expect, and that's a good thing. It throws off your story plan, but replanning is much easier than dealing with a lifeless character.
Yes, all the time. Sometimes I let it go to see where it is heading. Other times I have to go back to the plan.
I prefer to let it go off and see where it leads. Usually it is better than what I had planned anyways.
I like to just tailor the plan a little after this happens and I don't know what to do haha, or make where it's turning into a subplot and get back to why this happened to this guy which is what the characters are trying to figure out, later
I actually don't have that happen often. I like to plan where the conversation heads, or else it tends to just go nowhere at all. I'm no good at improvising I guess.
Hi, Yes, think I have to agree with the majority here. It's fiction, and that's the fun. Let it go wherever you imagination will allow. And above all...Enjoy